Wedding Venues in Weymouth
Whether you are searching for a luxury sports club or an exclusive converted barn, you will be spoilt for choice with the wide variety of wedding venues in Weymouth. All the wedding venues we have listed here on UKbride have uploaded plenty of photographs for you to browse through and decide whether or not you would like to book a tour. You can even book a tour directly through us, or just request a brochure for more information.
You can expect all the typical seaside charm from this quaint little town on the coast, but do not be fooled there are some historic landmarks that are definitely worth some attention! For example, the ruins of the sixteenth century Sanford Castle are like looking into the past and the wonderful examples of Georgian architecture you can experience just by walking down the street!
Weymouth is a wonderful place to have your wedding venue because it is literally a little pocket of history overlooking the ocean. Why not kick off your shoes and embrace a sandy beach ceremony?
216 results for Wedding Venues in or near to Weymouth