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Wedding Venues in Wallingford

If you are a bride that is searching for her dream wedding venue in Oxfordshire, then Wallingford is a market town full of culture and history that is perfect for you. With a wide variety of wedding venues in and around the are you will be spoilt for choice!

Whether you are searching for a wedding venue that can bring some history to your special day, or a more rural and cosy converted barn, then there is the right place for you right here in Wallingford.

Just a stone's throw away from the city of Oxford, you can expect plenty of transport links and hotels or B&B’s for your guests to use. This takes away the worry of making sure all your guests are looked after on your special day!

There are plenty of stunning landmarks in Wallingford that you can explore and enjoy, for example, the Wallingford Bridge which is a stunning piece of engineering and could serve as a wonderful place for you to take your wedding photography. The arches and brickwork give a romantic vibe, meaning your wedding memory can be a part of that history.

UKbride has lots of ways to help you plan your dream wedding day, from member-run forums to our blog page. There is even a guest seating section where you can organise where at your guests will be for your sit down meals!

544 results for Wedding Venues in or near to Wallingford

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