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Wedding Venues in Buxton

Buxton is today one of the most popular destinations in the Peak District. Within an hour's drive of Manchester, Sheffield, Derby and Stoke, its famous Georgian and Victorian architecture provides an impressive backdrop to a rich and vibrant range of music, theatre, festivals and of course weddings.

If you're looking for a beautiful historic location, Buxton will be hard to beat. The magnificent Crescent was built in 1780, the Old Hall Hotel dates back to 1573 when the captive Mary Queen of Scots stayed at the hotel.

If you're not from around the area and you're planning on staying a little longer for the wedding, there is plenty to see. There is the stunning ornamental Pavilion Gardens and Poole's Cavern show caves.

Buxton is the Gateway to the Peak District, and it's a great base for all the huge range of outdoor activities that the National Park has to offer, but there's so much going on in the town itself that you might find yourself hard pressed to leave.

As you can see, it isn't limited on the amount of wedding venues available either. Enjoy a barn wedding, stately home wedding, hotel wedding or even a castle wedding at the likes of Haddon and Mottram Hall.

It even has more contemporary locations like the Colony and most of the older locations have been given a bit of a spruce up inside keeping to modern styles and standards.

Remember to choose a venue that suits you and your partner. Buxton is the perfect location, now you just need to find the right venue. It can be hard to find - and agree - on where you'll get hitched. But just remember that as long as you and your partner and your family are all there to celebrate your special day, nothing else is as important.

404 results for Wedding Venues in or near to Buxton

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