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Wedding Venues in Boston

Boston is bursting with perfect places to hold your dream wedding. With St Botolph's Church, or rather the infamous 'Stump,' as your backdrop, or even Fydell House, there are plenty of pretty spots to capture the best day of your life...

Boston is a great place to hold your wedding day. In the centre of Boston you have beautiful buildings like the Guildhall and Fydell House with its beautiful rear gardens for smaller intimate ceremonies, and of course the grandeur of the Stump for bigger wedding parties.

You're not limited on accommodation either with a number of hotels like the White Hart along the River Witham or the New England on the other side of town.

If you're looking for something a little further out with great food offerings and a purposely built space for weddings, try the Poachers Country House Hotel. It has plenty of car parking and a beautiful area that's designed for hosting a wedding.

There are many beautiful places for your wedding photos in and around Boston's centre like Jenny's Park, Witham Way and Frampton Marsh for a more natural environment.

For a really quirky wedding experience, try the Maud Foster Mill. It's perfectly positioned next to the river and it's a working mill. It's a really interesting place and you're sorted for wedding favours!

It's also a hotspot for churches so there are plenty of places to pick from for the ceremony too or you may want to use your local church if you're local to the area.

Have a look through the beautiful Boston wedding venues we have featured here, decide on which ones you would be interested in visiting, and click 'Venue Tour!' All of our suppliers are really accommodating and will love to help you plan your wedding day, step by step.

354 results for Wedding Venues in or near to Boston

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