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Wedding Venues in Hope Valley

Derbyshire's Hope Valley is the perfect romantic destination for anyone planning a wedding. Whether you're looking for a civil licensed wedding venue or a place to hold your wedding reception, you'll be assured of beautiful scenery.

Technically now in the Derwent Valley, the river flows from Castleton's Mam Tor, into the River Noe, and down the centuries, has carved out an epic valley that will provide a stunning backdrop for your wedding photography.

Hope Valley and its central village of Hope is well-renowned as one of the Peak District's prettiest areas, with the 13th century St Peter's Church in the centre of the town famous for its elaborate gargoyles, its Norman font and the Saxon cross within the curtilage of the churchyard.

For those planning a church wedding in Derbyshire, it's a superb venue for the ceremony, but for those seeking civil licensed wedding venues or a wedding reception venue in Hope Valley, there are many other options too.

UKbride has a searchable list of wedding venues in Hope Valley, from pretty privately owned hotels with function rooms to rather more rustic options like Dalehead Bunkhouse, a National Trust owned bolthole in the Edale Valley for small celebrations with your immediate family.

Marquee venues which make the most of Hope Valley's Derbyshire setting and outdoor ceremony venues are other options for those seeking to get back to nature.

The gorgeous country house of 17th century Eyam Hall with its croquet lawn pavilion and knot garden is another option for more formal wedding receptions, whilst The Maynard is a quaint boutique hotel promising a relaxing Peak District retreat.

Whatever you're seeking from your wedding reception venue, Hope Valley has a number of options to consider, whilst will help with its searchable database of wedding venues and wedding dresses, plus the ability to contact other Hope Valley brides to exchange tips and chat in the run up to your wedding day.

394 results for Wedding Venues in or near to Hope Valley

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