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Wedding Venues in Crickhowell

When choosing a location for your wedding, we recommend choosing spots that are popular with tourists. If people are willing to travel from miles around to experience the sites of a particular location, it must be particularly beautiful. We can’t emphasise that point enough when it comes to Crickhowell in Powys in Wales, between Brecon and Abergavenny.

It’s very popular with tourists, and in the summer the town is buzzing with people coming to visit the Black Mountains, the Brecon Beacons or maybe take up one of the adrenaline junkie activities in the area - mountain-biking, camping, hillwalking, rock climbing, fly fishing or even hand gliding.

There are three reasons why it’s good to opt for a spot that tourists like to flock to. First of all, it means the views on your wedding day will be beautiful, secondly, it means there is plenty of history in the area of Crickhowell, ensuring historic wedding venues, and lastly, it means there will be plenty of accommodation for guests travelling from far and wide to come to the big day.

The wedding venues in Crickhowell range from modern hotels to traditional country manors. We recommend a wedding in spring when the blossom is out and the wisteria is flowering.

307 results for Wedding Venues in or near to Crickhowell

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