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Wedding Venues in Caernarfon

Caernarfon is a rural town, community and port in Gwynedd in Wales. Bangor is just under 9 miles away and Snowdonia lies on the fringes of the town. Welsh is the main spoken language of the town and Caernarfon Castle is what this lovely little town is most well known for.

Not only is there to Castle but there’s the Caernarfon town hall, the Church of St Peblig, the Statue of David Lloyd George and the Old Market Hall. It’s bursting with history, which is why the lovely Welsh port attracts a lot of visitors from all over the world to see its splendour.

When selecting a wedding venue, choosing a tourism-rich location like Caernarfon is a very wise choice; people travel from miles and miles away to see the lovely town, so why not have a beautiful wedding here too? What prompts you to marry here more as well is its abundance of wedding venues. There are tonnes to pick from and we’ve listed them here on UKbride.

Once you’ve selected your dream wedding venue, head to the budget planner. Stick in the actual price you paid for the venue and your budgeted price if you haven’t done so already. This is an easy way to first of all, keep track of your spending but also have a list of everything you’ve already booked, monitoring whether there is still anything left to book.

176 results for Wedding Venues in or near to Caernarfon

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