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Wedding Venues in Aldershot

Aldershot in the Rushmoor district of Hampshire lies on heathland just 30 miles out of London. It’s a lovely town that features the Basingstoke Canal, lined with quirky canal boats and a nice riverside walk, Alpine Snowsports for adrenaline junkies who want to go on the slopes at home and a Military Museum in brick-built barracks to explore the military background of the area.

The town has quite a Tudor theme in its architecture but there are older buildings and Georgian styles too. The wedding venues on UKbride have been hand-selected. Choose from riverside hotels to golf clubs and grand manors. There are so many options in this lovely market town.

When planning your wedding, it’s important to remember the guest experience. As much as the wedding is about you and your partner, they probably spent quite a bit of money on their outfit, gift and perhaps travel and accommodation too to be there for you on the big day.

It’s always nice to provide favours for guests. This doesn’t need to be a big lavish present, just something small to say thank you to them for being there, and for them to have a keepsake after the big day to remind them of what a great day it was.

472 results for Wedding Venues in or near to Aldershot

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