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Wedding Venues in Scotland

The beauty of Scotland is unmatched, lending itself perfectly to stunning wedding venues from remote castles to bustling hotels in city centre locations. With world-famous cities including Edinburgh and Glasgow within its borders, even if you are not from Scotland, you’ll find a wedding venue that is easy to reach and features all you need.

UKbride works with a wide range of wedding venues in Scotland, to create a comprehensive list of the very best in the country for our brides-and-grooms-to-be to choose from. Whether you’re looking for a rustic Highland inspired wedding in a woodland venue or a more traditional manor house setting for a civil ceremony and reception, you’ll find it all here on the UKbride site.

Use our filter option to view our wedding venue in Scotland by type, to find the location that offers everything you need to make your day truly special and personal. Plan to stay after the big day with a mini-moon in this stunning country, take a road trip around the Northern coastline or visit the magical waterfalls on the Isle of Skye.

With everything you need to get your big day off to a great start, sign up for free with UKbride and browse our extensive wedding venue and wedding supplier listings in and around Scotland. Check back soon for updated listings.

103 results for Wedding Venues

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