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Wedding Venues in Maghera

Maghera is a town in County Londonderry in Northern Ireland and it’s a really lovely place to get hitched. Here’s why! There are beautiful views like Drumnaph Community Nature Reserve, Glenshane Pass, Carntogher and Ballynahone Bog.

Wedding venues in Maghera are so unique as all the venues in County Londonderry are. You have the choice of castles, mansions and hotels, and a scattering of other types of venue too.

Want to know how to find the perfect wedding venue? We recommend speaking to a wedding planner first. Give them your ideas and visions as to what you want on your day and they will be able to tell you the perfect locations based on their experience. In a town like Maghera, this could be really valuable as a relatively rural spot.

Another handy tip is to know your guest list. You may fall in love with a wedding venue but if it makes your wedding party look like just a handful of people, it won’t feel as intimate or romantic, or worse, it may not be able to accommodate the amount of people you plan to invite.

Once you’ve found the perfect wedding venue for you in Maghera, click venue tour or request a quote. Alternatively, just click on their supplier page for more information.

39 results for Wedding Venues in or near to Maghera

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