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Wedding Venues in Harrow

Harrow in Greater London, formerly part of Middlesex, is the home of Headstone Manor and Museum full of interesting facts about the local area, Northala Fields, a beautiful playground with lakes and visitor centre and Bentley Priory, a historic home with an illustrious military background. Harrow is also home to a big Muslim community and Harrow Central Mosque, a beautiful building on this town’s skyline.

Due to the Muslim community, the wedding venues in the area are prepared to cater for big wedding parties. Asian weddings are renowned for big celebrations and big wedding parties full of colour and great food. If you’re having an Asian wedding or just a big wedding, Harrow is a great place to get married.

The wedding venues here include grand manors, golf clubs and even a Colosseum. There are big hotels and huge venue halls. If you want something a little more intimate, there are provisions in Harrow for that too. It’s all purpose location when it comes to weddings.

Once you have found the perfect venue for you, it’s time to look at styling it. Head to the tips and advice section on UKbride to gain inspiration and then head to our suppliers list to see if there are any venue stylists that you think would be able to meet your requests.

486 results for Wedding Venues in or near to Harrow

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