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Wedding Venues in Dungannon

Dungannon is a town in County Tyrone in Northern Ireland. It’s one of the largest towns in the county. It’s best feature is Dungannon Park, a 70 acre oasis centred around an idyllic stillwater lake with miles of beautiful pathways and panoramic views of the surrounding townland. It is a dream to walk around a the perfect place for your wedding photos.

We would recommend a wedding in Dungannon in autumn. The trees look alight with reds, oranges and browns, and it makes the main church in the town - St Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church - really stand out. Speaking of the church, it’s a fantastic wedding venue and there are plenty more where that came from in and around this area.

Did you know UKbride has a budget planner? It’s a great place to list all of the elements of the wedding you’ve already bought - flowers, dress, bridesmaids dress etc - and to stick to your planned budget. This is especially important when looking at wedding venues in Dungannon.

We would recommend requesting a quote from all the venues that peak your interest and comparing before booking. The difference in price may be much bigger than you first think.

34 results for Wedding Venues in or near to Dungannon

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