Imperial Wedding Cars of Sussex


Imperial Wedding Cars of Sussex at a Glance

Price Range icon
Price Range
325.00 - 495.00
Classic Edwardian style cars Further option of an Iconic Ivory London taxi Family owned & run since 1999 Traditional Launderette folding roof for all your guests to see No mileage charges as long as vehicles remain in Sussex/Surrey Double return runs (Bridesmaids etc) as long as journey max. of 15 mins each direction

Current Promotions

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ImperialWeddingCars regularly attend wedding fayres throughout West Sussex hosted by AGLG and Empirical Events.


UKbride Approved Supplier
UKbride Approved Supplier

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Flushers Farm, Coolham Road, Coneyhurst, Billiingshurst, West Sussex, RH14 9DH

Imperial Wedding Cars of Sussex

  • Flushers Farm
  • Coolham Road, Coneyhurst
  • Billiingshurst
  • West Sussex
  • RH14 9DH
  • United Kingdom

Meet the Owner

Image of Key Person Nigel & Jill Ayre
Nigel & Jill Ayre

Family run, organised and maintained to an extremely high standard. Prices start from as low as £295.00 for our Iconic Ivory London Taxi on a weekday to £485.00 for one of our fabulous Edwardian style car on a weekend. We offer scale reductions if multiple cars are booked together which is always a good option for instance on longer runs for bridesmaids/family etc. Another option is always to have a car for Groom and groomsmen to also arrive in style and for the Bride to arrive in the sister car, both can then be utilised for onward journeys. Evening hire can also be arranged but is separate to the main day hire. The average hire time usually amounts to 4/5 hours, we do not charge mileage rates as long as we remain within Sussex/Surrey, a small charge will be added if there are cross county journeys.