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    • MelanieH10
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Hi everyone

    I need some advice. My sister hasn't spoken to me for over five years, recently her youngest son came to see me and told me why. Apparently it's because I didn't give her our Aunt in Ireland's phone number?!? Now my sister is 13 years older than me, both our parents were gone by the time I was 20 and I used to spend Christmas in Ireland with my Aunt my sister used to call me on this number - so I don't really get what this is about.
    When her husband left her I used to send her and the kids shopping each month leaving myself without, both her sons were of working age but didn't work. Now the oldest is being really nasty and saying I abandoned them and should have done more to help them! I should say that in the last 5 years I haven't sent them shopping or money etc.
    this year I've made an effort to rebuild relationships with them, the youngest is fine, the oldest keeps asking me for money and telling how bad life is and my sister still won't speak to me. I did last week after a major guilt trip from the oldest send them £60 of shopping. But what gets me is both boys are in their mid to late 20's and working.
    Am I being taken for a mug here?
    I have little family so am trying to rebuild it but I also don't want to fall into the same cycle of putting myself in debt to "help" them, they make me feel so guilty for making something of my life.

    I guess there wasn't really a question there, just a rant lol

    Any insights would be appreciated x

    Getting married Sunday 1st May 2016 :)

    • Elinor Claire
      CommentAuthorElinor Claire
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Why is she struggling for money? Doesn't she work herself? I can see that perhaps the boys might earn enough for themselves but without any to spare, but with grown-up sons she only has herself to support. A phone number is not a good reason to ignore you, there is surely something else underneath it. Did you and your sister get on well when you were younger? Did problems arise after the death of your parents? The oldest son unfortunately has probably been fed tales by your sister, and it will take a long time for him to realise that you did not abandon them. You don't need to supply them with shopping all the time, it's not like your sister has been left with two small children who she has to support and can't afford childcare so can't work. If you start sending shopping again you'll never be able to stop. Is the aunt still alive? Could she intervene and act as mediator?

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    • MelanieH10
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    She hasn't really ever worked. My sister has always been something of a drama queen, feuds with neighbours, lots of illnesses etc.
    We did always get on, I'm only 5 years older than her eldest. I think things changed between us when I stopped entertaining whatever drama she was having and actually got on with my life. I was always chasing after her making sure they were ok, which isn't easy when you live 50 miles away lol. I decided that I would wait for her to call me, just to see how long she would leave it and well five years later I'm still waiting! I think this is her drama at the moment, it's something she can complain about. It just seems so petty! She hasn't even met my OH.
    Hey ho, I will just gave to wait and see what happens. Thanks for reading my rant lol

    Getting married Sunday 1st May 2016 :)


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