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    • Karen5
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Ok so I have 7 bridesmaids and am having a rainbow wedding so 7 colours. We all met up a few weeks ago and decided that they would have knee length dresses as it's an August wedding. I have spent weeks looking for a dress I liked and finally found one today. Sent the link to all my BMs and one said she has decided she wants long now because she isn't the right shape for knee length. Now 2 others have decided they also want long. They others still want knee length. They can't have different lengths because they are already different colours......I'm sat here stressing, crying and trying not to go crazy at them!! What do I do?!? They are paying for their own so can't really tell them they have to have a certain one if they don't like it.

    • Showgirl
    At the moment its still 3 against 4 so I'd stick with the shorter length... they may feel differently about wanting a longer dress once they try them on.
    • DonnaH39
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Although they're paying for them themselves they have to respect the fact that it is your wedding. What would you do if the red bridesmaid decided actually she wanted to be yellow, but the yellow still wanted to be yellow? It wouldn't be fair on you and you couldn't just give in and say okay I'll have two yellow one's because they're buying the dresses.

    • katielea100
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    If anything I'd say they can have different lengths because they're having different colours,
    No wonder my bms love me I've told them they can have what ever they want as long as they fit into the colour scheme x
    • gonzo
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Not wanting to sound harsh but if they're paying for their dresses i think they have right to choose what they spend their money on, i understand you want a certain type but what about trying to compromise and going just below the knee? or like katielea said about just having different lengths x

    • Karen5
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Thanks for your replies. They are choosing what they spend their money on. They are choosing the style, they each picked their colour. I just don't think they will match at all if they have different colours, lengths and styles.....x

    • HelenW
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I'd say with it being a rainbow theme, everything is OK to be mismatched. The fact they are all in different colors in my opinion is more of a reason to have different dresses.. X

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    • almost a year wife!!
      CommentAuthoralmost a year wife!!
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I think even if your theme is rainbow there should still be a continuity... If talk to them and explain that you really wanted them in short dresses and go from there x

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    Ill marry my hero

    • Elinor Claire
      CommentAuthorElinor Claire
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Could you get them all together for a girly night with drinks and talk it through in a relaxed way? Maybe you could go half way between knees and ankles.

    Members signature icon
    30th August 2014 was the best birthday ever.
    It was the day that I became Mrs. Dixon.

    • Whovianbride
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Majority rules and also they all agreed to Short to start with. they agreed. if your going for different colours the dress style /length need to be the same!

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    • CommentAuthorTrasaD
    Maybe you could have it as all with different lengths in order? So, one with full length, the next one ankle, The next one mid length etc? xoxox
    • LauraK7
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    We went to a rainbow bridesmaid wedding the other day and they all had different lengths and colours and looked great !
    • NicolaL627
    Hi looking for some advice from people as not sure if i'm being a bridezilla! i've been engaged to my partner for nearly two years and we finally booked a date for this autumn, all of a sudden his sister who is one of my bridesmaids gets engaged to a guy she hasn't known for very long, books her wedding for this year 3 months before ours and books the same reception venue, then tells me she won't be paying for her bridesmaid dress like we had agreed as her wedding is the priority now. i feel like our wedding has been completely overshadowed by hers now and although my partner is trying to understand he says to just ignore her as she's well known for wanting attention. help so stressed out!
    • DonnaH39
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Nicola your sister in law sounds awful

    • Velcro
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    just tell them you would prefer they were all in knee length dresses and take it from there. If I were you, I think id want them all in the same length as well, just for the continuity. Id remind them that they have been able to pick their own styles and colours and all you ask of them is to have this one thing. Its not like you are asking for much really, regardless of who is paying for them. Just because they are buying them themselves doesn't mean they can turn up in whatever they want, there has to be some compromise.

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    Wibbly wobbly, timey wimey
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    • Velcro
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Nicola I'd just tell her, that's a shame, as I (you) haven't budgeted for your dress. I'm pretty sure the implication there would be obvious. Don't give her the satisfaction of a reaction

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    Wibbly wobbly, timey wimey
    *Kelbel* is my wedding twinny!
    • LizIsTheBiz
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    Perhaps they need reminding its your wedding and although they are buying their own dresses, they should be
    mindful of what you would like. Its an honor to be a bridesmaid one I have never been fortunate to have and
    as such they are their to support you on your special day. I hope you have an agreeable resolution good luck!
    • CharlieBe-Cool
      Ticker backgroundTicker foreground
    Its your day, they should be going with what you want. Id give them a list of what the dresses MUST have ie. Full length and colour. Anything else id be willing to overlook (like a belt or bling accessory) I wouldnt mention, unless really garish! This is why im buying my BMs their dresses as there is one friend who would potentially go off and get what SHE likes. As it is, shes already tried on one I like and told me its boring and she preferred the one with brooch detail on hip (not my cup of tea). When she realised how pushy she was being she backed down and said she would wear whatever I wanted her to. Its tough as you want them all to look nice on your day but me comfortable too.

    Nicola - id just tell SIL you've not budgeted for her dress so I guess she'll just need to stand down. She sounds just like my sister, who is rushing into getting married April this year. Luckily she isnt my bridesmaid!

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    Met my prince charming - May 2002
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    • CommentAuthorTrasaD
    Nicola: I know it sounds strange, but I think I have to agree with the others and your husband. Tell her that you haven't budgeted for her dress as she had already agreed to buy her own and ignore the situation. I know it's hard, but maybe when she see 's not getting the attention for it, maybe she'll back down? xoxox
    • LauraK7
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I agree too about saying you haven't budgeted for her dress x
    • DonnaH39
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Yeah saying you haven't budgeted for her dress is a brilliant idea, although unfortunately it doesn't help the whole booking her wedding just before yours at the same venue thing :(

    We almost had that same situation, we are getting married next August and some friends of ours have just got engaged and are getting married this December, they've just told us that they're booking a venue (which was the one we were originally looking at, we'd changed our minds after seeing our new one) only difference being our friends didn't know we had looked at their venue and had seriously considered it, so it wasn't done maliciously.

    Hasn't anyone else said anything to her? like your future MIL

    All I can say is don't let her get to you, do what you want for your wedding and stuff what anyone thinks, I'm sure most people will know yours was booked first and will just think she is being silly and lets face it spiteful as well, there's no need for it.

    OP I agree with those who have said their your bridesmaids and your not being too pushy with which dresses they can buy, you have to have some guidelines otherwise it could all look a mess

    • NicolaL627
    Thanks for all the replies, feeling a bit better about the situation for now anyway lol, i haven't confronted her as i know she likes the drama so i'll leave it be for the time being, and if she still refuses to budge on the dress well its tough luck for her :) all that matters is I'm getting married to the man i move and not even she can spoil our day :)
    • CommentAuthorTrasaD

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