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    • HeatherB40
    Advertising of a business, product or supplier is not permitted on the UKbride forum. Only brides to be may make use of the forum with the only exception being UKbride experts. These are experts in their fields who are there to offer impartial advice to forum users. These suppliers can be identified by a badge on the forum that says “UKbride Expert”. These carefully selected experts are entitled to use real world examples drawn from their own experience to answer questions, but not to blatantly advertise their own business. For example: "We at XYZ photography generally find that most brides spend upwards to £1000 on their photography - this would be a realistic figure to put into your budget. "
    UKBRIDE members advertising their own business by offering FREE services is also frowned upon, if you wish to offer something for free (that you no longer need or want) by all means do so but no advertising your business while doing so and leave information on YOUR wall for others to see NOT in the forum!

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