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Wedding Forum - My mum is the mil from hell...

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    • LindsayK
    My mum is constantly putting my oh down and it gets on both our nerves. She's always picking at his faults - minor things like working later than originally planned etc. But at the moment she has decided that our 4 month old son should be being fed 'properly', so she took it upon herself to buy everything that weaning involves, without asking 1 if it was ok and 2 if we already have stuff - we do. I'm offering him a tiny bit of rice to get him used to it, and most of it ends up in his hair or up his nose, but he has fun so its ok, that's my aim to make eating an enjoyable thing. My mum totally goes against what I'm doing and keeps offering him different food, even though I've asked her not to.

    Back to weddings, she keeps voicing her opinion about what we should do for OUR day, and shrugs off my plans etc.
    • Shazk
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Oh hun Big cuddles!

    Its horrid when people tell u and do what u have asked not to, have u spoken to ur mum and (altho not nice been rather blunt) about it and how it makes u feel etc?

    Parents usually think they "being helpful" when infact being totally opposite x

    Members signature icon
    Away with the flutterbys xxx

    • FitchMcCombe
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    That must be really tough, my dads just a bit indifferent to my partner and that upsets me enough but I cant imagine how hard that must be if she's slighting him! If I was you I'd have to take it on directly and tell her with no uncertainty that you're unhappy with the way she talks to him and ask her to be a little more suppostive! Also opens the gateway to saying that also you and your partner will raise your child as you see fit, and to stop opposing it because its not fair on her grandson. I know obviously everyones relationship with their parents is different, and I know I find that I tend to regress back to feeling like a child when it comes to stepping up to my dad, but I like to think they respect you more as an adult for speaking out! x
    • KayleighW36
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    This is a tough one! Did she ever teach you 'if you've got nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all?' if so why don't you ask her to practise what she taught??!!

    Regarding your son, thats even more tough. My mother has always gone against what we've done for our daughter (she's 5). I tell Georgia she's not allowed something, she goes to my mother's who tells her 'mammy's not around now so it's ok' (this comes back from the mouth of a 5 year old). I think you should try and put your mother straight beforé it gets worse!
    • Princess2be
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Your a big girl now hun, let her know that you are in control and if your OH needs telling it will b you to do it.
    Sounds like a bit controlling.

    • lala "mod" bunni
      CommentAuthorlala "mod" bunni
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    sweetie ... do you live with mum ? if so the answer is toleave .... if you cant do that then you need to sit down and calm chat with mum.....

    she isnt a mil from hell .... i have that one !!!!

    • millz090
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I would sit her down and have a quiet word and express your opinions on your son and how you want him brought up.... however if you live with her or she childminds for you then be careful as dont want to 'knock a gift horse in the mouth' !! xx

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    Finally marrying the love of my life !!
    10th August 2013 - 9 years to the day we met !

    • natalie2614
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I wouldnt have no quiet word at all, Id say its my child I'll raise them and wean them when I see fit and not when you decide its ok! Stupid woman. and Id have the same approach over the wedding, tell her to but out! xx

    Married my best friend 05.04.2013

    • madison_uk
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    have the same problem with my mum and my partner so when she says anything i point out that my step dads not perfect either she soon shuts up, as for little one my sons 5 months i started him on baby rice hes now loving everything he tries except spinach lol, so do what you feel is best for you and tell your mum to but out

    • FutureMrsClarke
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Wow that must be so annoting! Me and my mum are so close, shes like my best friend. So equally if shes annoying me or butting in where I dont eant her opinion shes gets told to 'shut your face woman!'.

    If it gets down to youre just gonna have to say 'mum I love you but youre driving me nuts and I may have to slip you a valium into your tea if you dont reel yourelf in!'
    PS- yes I have said that to mine! lol

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