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Wedding Forum - Need origami help!!!!...

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    • SelinaK
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Ladies and gents, I need help!!
    I have decided to use origami for the place names. I thought I would incorporate it into the table names, because a lot of origami symbolises something far deeper. I have 6 guest tables, and the top table, and have only been able to come up with the following:
    Love - heart
    Trust - crane
    Respect - butterfly
    Understanding - owl (I used my own logic for this one, so might well be wrong!!)
    Strength - samurai helmet
    Luck - crane (now you see where my problem lies!!)
    Hope - Crane

    If I did the above, I would have 7 different table names, but 3 symbols (and therefore place names) the same.
    Does anyone know more about origami than what google is telling me? Does anyone have any ideas for different table names?
    The whole theme of the wedding really is about family, the secret to a happy marriage (lots of family wedding photos on the gift table), fun and laughter. I kind of wanted to incorporate the key to a happy marriage into the table names and place cards, but I'm struggling!!
    I have a back up plan, ivory cards with gold love hearts in the corner, and naming the tables after some of the beautiful places in Nottinghamshire. But that seems a little dull to me!!!

    Would really appreciate the help!!
    Thank you xxx
    • Jennifluff
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Fish - happiness, well being and Freedom! Strength courage and determination
    Crane - Happiness, good-luck, peace, long life
    Butterfly - Beauty, grace, two dancing round each other is the symbol for marital happiness
    Rabbit - fertility, rebirth! Springtime
    Dragon - power, wisdom, Mastery and success. Bring strength, Luck and fortune
    Frog - good fortune
    Turtle - longevity and protection. Also unites heaven and earth
    Cat - independence, Balance and mystery. Wisdom and strength
    Llama - Endurance under difficult situations, Responsibility and hard work

    :-) xxx

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    • SelinaK
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Wow, thank you!!!! I will be spending my evening folding different animals tonight lol!!
    I will have to think about how to name the tables, either by just the animal ie fish, or by what it means. Perhaps naming a table fertility might not be the way to go lol!

    Thank you for the help xxxx
    • Jennifluff
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    There are the Japanese words for the animals..

    Crane - Tsuru
    Fish - Sakana
    Butterfly - Chocho
    Rabbit - Usagi
    Dragon - Tatsu
    Frog - Kaeru
    Turtle - Kame
    Cat - Neko
    Llama - Ryama

    Love the idea!!!

    I found out that it used to be tradition the the couple made 1000 cranes and used them to decorate the venue!!! Sounds like a lot to me!!!!


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    • SelinaK
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    That's pretty cool, they could work and would make guests think about what they might mean! I can then put a description on each table explaining what the symbol is and what it means.
    I saw on don't tell the bride usa, the groom and all his family spent most of the night making them, and hung them like a curtain behind where the ceremony took place. I think its amazing, but with only a mtter of weeks to go it would be cutting it fine lol!!
    I've just thought of this, because the oh makes paper cranes, he made me one out of a tiny little bus ticket on our first date, and thought it would be nice to incorporate it somehow.

    I can't wait now!! xxx
    • Jennifluff
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    How's it all going Hun? Xxx

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    • SelinaK
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    We start folding tonight! Doing pracrice runs, Martin thinks we should name the tables 'love' 'respect' and so on, but I don't need to start panicking about that until Friday so its ok! We will pick one or another form your list, which has been a HUGE help!
    As soon as we've picked the final designs I will put photos up :)
    Thanks for you help though, you're a star! xxx

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