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Wedding Forum - Coming off the pill...

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    • kvelvick
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Hi Ladies, Can anyone give me some advise, i have come off the pill as we are hoping to try for a baby after we are married. However since coming off i have been feeling soooooo tired and im dieting but my weight loss has come to a standstill (which is not good with 6 weeks to go!!) Thanks x
    • Ashlie-Louise
    how long have you been dieting? i know after a while the weight loss can level off n u have to step things up a little to "kick start" again. gd luck with trying for a baby, n hope all goes well for u xxx
    • Happilymarried Mrs G
      CommentAuthorHappilymarried Mrs G
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I would say stay strong. Its normal that there will be some hormonal shifts due to the changes that coming off the pill causes. Can i ask when you came off? As your body will still be slipping in to normality and that will understandable make you feel tired....
    I would say dont worry too much about dieting as such, but focus on a high energy / high fibre balanced diet... lots of fruit, veg, cous cous etc....

    Good luck with trying to concieve, i will also be stopping the pill to try for number 3 after the wedding. :D
    • WeeMintyMonkie
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    It may take a few months if not up to a year for your periods to get back to normal.
    Weight loss usually happens on its own with coming off the pill so it may just be taking its time if you have just recently.come off the pill.
    Good luck hunni.
    We just had an appointment at the endrocinology unit regarding our trying for a baby and it looks like its gonna be longer for us but we know the causes and that its fixable!!
    x x x
    • CommentAuthorbridalmiss
    A friend of ours came off the pill just before her wedding, and their little boy was born 9 months to the day from their wedding!!
    • Unknown
      Ticker backgroundTicker foreground
    it can take a long time to get your periods into a rountine.i have been off the pill since nov and my periods are stil not regular. sometimes 38 days, 41 days sometimes 42 days.

    prehaps the diet is not agreeing with you. my body doesnt cope with some diets.

    as you have just come off the pill and are always tired is there a chance you coule be pregnant already? xx

    • lil miss sunshine
      CommentAuthorlil miss sunshine
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    like said before give it time as your body is adjusting to the withdrawal of hormones

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