Wedding Forum - where to start?????

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Wedding Forum - Where to start?????...

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    • Bradshaw2Be
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Right, so how do you start to plan your seating plan.... I have made a rough list of guests that we want to invite so far and i know that our table can fit up to 10 people confortably but when looking at it most of the time they go into groups of 8. Will this look odd on a table that seats 10?

    Looking at it I can not see any other way of doing it because if I try and have fewer table that have 10 around then there will be odd people that won't know anyone. Any advise? My main worry is that the tables will look empty and I haven't even sent out the invites and knowing my luck some people won't be able to make it anyway.

    Including myself and H2B we have planned to have 91 guests with 10 being on the top table.

    Any advise would be great appreciated otherwise I think I will end up going crazy and it's way too early to be getting into that mind set.
    • Mrs (Dove) Pidgeon
      CommentAuthorMrs (Dove) Pidgeon
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    We had between 7 and 10 on each table and it looked fine. Do what ever works best.

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    Now a extremely happy German housewife and now a Mother!!!!
    Islay Jean born 24th June in Hannover.
    • Bradshaw2Be
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    thanks Dove, i just have visions of it looking like there are gaps. I'm probably just being super paranoid.
    • Unknown
      Ticker backgroundTicker foreground
    i would wait until you have rsvp's until you start doing it!

    We get married in 8 weeks and we havnt even started doing ours yet! lol xx

    • Bradshaw2Be
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    the problem i have is that i just want to get stuff done (i'm a product manager so doing things ahead of schedule is a great thing) and so I thought this would be something that wouldn't stress me out... How wrong was I. I wish I hadn't started it, i think i might just store it in a folder and leave it there so that I forget about it.
    • Mrs (Dove) Pidgeon
      CommentAuthorMrs (Dove) Pidgeon
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    I finished my table plan the night before the wedding.

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    Now a extremely happy German housewife and now a Mother!!!!
    Islay Jean born 24th June in Hannover.
    • emz382
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Our tables are supposed to be for 10 but we are having 8 x
    • kimmy
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Well if i were having 10 on the top table and it leaves 81 guests 9x9 =81 so it would work out perfect 9 on each table!!! Hope this helps :D
    • Unknown
      Ticker backgroundTicker foreground
    we are having 7 on the top table and then 7 other tables we will split up the remaining guests xx

    • Bradshaw2Be
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Sorry that I haven't come back till now H2B took me to cinema... well I spoke to H2B about this and mentioned that I had 10 on top table and his first reaction was "10, really? but then not all of the attention would be on you". which i thought was sweet and frustrating at the same time (if that is even possible) so back to the drawing board..

    The reason why I wanted to do a dummy table plan was because our venue as said that we can hang our centrepieces from the ceiling so I wanted to know how many tables we might have so that we can plan of where to place them from the ceiling as also how many centrepieces we could need. I all sound really complicated but is we can pull it off then hopefully it will look amazing!
    • Trish Goddard
      CommentAuthorTrish Goddard
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Bradshaw to be....
    I have 10 on my top table....

    Bm... Bm... Grooms dad... Brides mum...Groom... Bride... Brides dad... Grooms mum...Bm... Bm
    then all the rest will be scattered with 6 on each table, i have 6 other tables...
    • x~Hails~x
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I have ten on my top table too then 5 tables with 8 on and 2 tables with 9 on

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    • shellay
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    out tables seat 10, but there are a few that only have 7 or 8 and the top table only has 7, but we dont mind, we as i think they will space it out a bit so it doesnt look to sparce :) x

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    • Vicky
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    We havent even started ours yet as are still waiting for everyone to rspv!! I think it would be hard to do it without nothing who is coming and not!!
    • lala "mod" bunni
      CommentAuthorlala "mod" bunni
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    well i dont know who to sit on my top table that my first problem
    but after that i think we will have some tables of 10 and a couple of 9`s ......

    • Mel D
      CommentAuthorMel D
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    We had tables of between 7 and 9, though mostly 8 ... I started a rough table plan (on here) when we sent out the invitations, but it changed so much I was on it practically daily adding and deleting people and moving them around!

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    • lozzatea
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    have you had a look at the table planner on this website... its really good, you can play around with it until it looks right, we havnt sent out invites out yet but i have put everybody that i will be inviting into it. and will just add and take away people as the rsvps come back
    • XLittleMissMe!X
    I put people into mini groups so I had couples, families etc and then started to place the bigger groups on the tables first. I then filled up the remaining places with the couples until they were all full. It worked a treat and means that everyone has at least one person they know to sit next to as well as meeting new people.

    Sometimes it is easier to get some paper with the names on and then start to group them into piles and then feed them into the tables. At least that way you don't miss anyone out.

    • kimmy
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I struggled with the table planner on the site it seemed to have a mind of it's own!!! :D
    • Bradshaw2Be
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    i haven't used the planner on this site, i might give it a go. We did put them in to groups which seemed find until you get to the point where there a select few that can't be seated next to certain people for what ever reason. I spoke to my sister about this and the excuse she came up with about what was wrong with it was firstly telling me that she didn't actually want a plus 1 and then then she said she doesn't want to sit with my H2B brothers and sister (his sister and her H2B is a few years older) as she would rather sit with my grandparents which I find really odd because wouldn't she have more in common with his siblings???
    When I said that that was where she is sitting she said she would switch names so there might be a random old couple on the table. I can't bare it already and its my sister thats being the bridezilla rather than me
    • Mel D
      CommentAuthorMel D
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    the planner on this site is brilliant - it's so easy to move people around. I would never have managed my table plan with out it! Well I would, but it would have been so much more difficult

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    Got married Sat 28/05/2011
    Renewing vows Sat 29/05/2021
    We're planning WELL in advance!!
    • Mel D
      CommentAuthorMel D
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    hang on ... people sit where they are told! it's only for the meal!

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    Got married Sat 28/05/2011
    Renewing vows Sat 29/05/2021
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    • Bradshaw2Be
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    i know, my sister has been trying to getting her own way throughtout this process.... i think its coz i'm getting married before her and as she is the oldest she feels that i'm had things so easy (Job, uni etc.) its a consent battle and I feel like i'm a broken record telling her that its my wedding, my rules.
    This tread has started to turn into a bit of a rant sorry!
    • Mel D
      CommentAuthorMel D
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    How dare she say that she will switch the names!?! Make sure you tell the best man and ushers to keep her out of the room before hand, and tell the venue co-ordinator to ensure that those particular names are where you want them to be, and ask if they would do a last check a few minutes before people are seated to ensure she hasn't swapped any around, make sure they have a copy of your table plan! Cheeky mare!

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    Got married Sat 28/05/2011
    Renewing vows Sat 29/05/2021
    We're planning WELL in advance!!
    • Mel D
      CommentAuthorMel D
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    and don't worry about having a rant ... I would be the same!

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    Got married Sat 28/05/2011
    Renewing vows Sat 29/05/2021
    We're planning WELL in advance!!

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