Wedding Forum - What habit good or bad have you picked up from your other half? - Page 1

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    • MrsLJDeaton
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I shall go first
    It's more what my hubby has picked up from me he drinks more coco cola because of me he will drink Rattler Cyder with me because I drink it ( I am partial to a pear Cyder fruit cyders with nuts ) he likes a lot of junk food however this is where we differ he will eat a lot of crisps but cannot eat a lot of chocolate or sweets but I can! We cam be very unhealthy but we be changing that due to our son we won't want him to pick up our bad habits will need to change them!

    But good things he tries to get interested in my crafting making collages on the doors or wardrobes put together photo albums or scrap books! I love to doodle but hubby doesn't he doesn't really know how to or what to put down I write a lot and draw whatever is in my brain at the time! He tries to draw and doodle but as he cannot draw properly he won't draw as he not very creative and artistic like I am. Well opposites attract aye =D

    Got him to make a set of jewellery for me as well as he tried to crochet but he gets bored easy and hubby loves to play his Xbox 1 and watch movies so we end up watching a lot of things being in front of the telly to much! Or in front of the computer a bad habit hubby has is playing his music too loud that is one thing I complain about on a daily basis at him! And sometimes I end up playing my music quite loud too!

    But we do like to research and play around on computer software that's what hubby has gotten me into partial to word paint PowerPoint but not so good with photoshop I mess around with Picassa also! We spend a lot of time on social networking sites too another bad habit
    Also when we don't spend quality time together just a hr or two me and him doing something we both love maybe go for a walk garden play with our son.

    Hubby has gotten me into playing cards and family games dominoes and Jenga and 0&Xs and other games

    Now your turn
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    Started going out 23.10.2010 met at Barnet college Engaged 23.08.2012 In Turkey Our 1st Holiday Together To be Mrs Lana Jocelyn Deaton on 23.10.2015 5 years the day
    Jamiroquai Arthur Gordon Deaton Born 29/05/2015 My Son Jammy
    • CamilaL
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I've started watching silly movies like Machete or any zombie movies because of him. He also taught me how to drink not cold beer (I'm Brazilian, I just can't drink natural beer).
    If I'm not home to cook for him, he will eat microwave meals or pizza and I hate this habit. Love cooking him some food <3
    • Glitterfairy
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    None, his bad habits annoy me, but I put up with them, I would never get any of them myself,

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    • ErinP42
    I've picked up his love of Star Trek & Star Wars lol
    • Elinor Claire
      CommentAuthorElinor Claire
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I'm more likely to put the TV on, he's more likely to put music on. We tend to end up with music more. He reminds me about family birthdays, and I'm far more likely to get a card in good time now. I also do more Christmas cards.

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    • MrsLJDeaton
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Camilla L Thankyou for reminding me I watch silly movies like zombies and machete too my hubby loves movies like that! xxx

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    Started going out 23.10.2010 met at Barnet college Engaged 23.08.2012 In Turkey Our 1st Holiday Together To be Mrs Lana Jocelyn Deaton on 23.10.2015 5 years the day
    Jamiroquai Arthur Gordon Deaton Born 29/05/2015 My Son Jammy
    • VictoriaL46
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I've become a tech snob thanks to my OH. He loves his gadgets and builds computers as a hobby. Before I met him I was chuffed that I could plug in a DVD/VCR to a TV and that was it. Didn't even have my own computer. Now? We have our media PC which stores all our movies/photos/TV shows etc (it's essentially a PC with a few TB of space on it plugged up to the TV), we also have a tablet each (me iPAD, he has Nexus) he also has his own PC and I have my laptop as well as a Raspberry Pi plugged into the TV in our bedroom to stream movies from our Media PC. I tend to get easily annoyed if something isn't streaming fast enough to the quality of a movie isn't good enough :-/

    Bad habits he's picked up from me is the love of pepsi max and pasta lol

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    • MrsC2bee
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I'm not sure as his bad habits irritate me haha. He has got me into watching marvel and we love watching TV series like ncis together and he's got me into singing music but nothing else really :/ x
    • MichelleC961
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I would say I eat. Ore takeaway because of him.

    I stick my little finger out when I drink- I know I know- and he now does this too lol

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    • Myranny
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I'm so with you on the tech snob thing, Victoria!! My OH is a software developer and I used to be happy with just my little notebook and crappie phone and not knowing how to download anything... now... Well there's far too many apple products and gadgets kicking around this house. We even rigged up sensors around the house because he wanted to program something and we thought it was cool... couple of saddos. Lol. xx
    • Emily17
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I watch more films now. Before I watched barely any but now I will watch most of his (Star Wars, Marvel, DC, starting to get me to watch James Bond but that's a lot slower coming) plus some of my own that he isn't too keen on. Also play lego games on his PS with him (and wont let him play them on his own).

    From me he has got used to sleeping at a diagonal. I don't like sleeping fully vertical and always tilt my pillow. He doesn't like it but does it naturally now too :)

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    • Pinky Pie
      CommentAuthorPinky Pie
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I watch more car programs - wheeler dealers n all that, n I get him to watch my csi, Chicago Fire n ncis he even asks me when they're on now,lol. Idont like his bad habits so won't follow him with them ( too much burping n farting for my liking) x

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    • InDreamland
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    None, I won't pick up his bad habits even though I endure them. I don't have bad habits lol.

    He has started using words I always use though which he never used to.

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    • FutureMrsW
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    My OH got me into playing online poker! Lol dangerous habit. But, I should say, we limit our monetary spending and generally play fun games for free mostly anyway.

    A good habit that my OH is instilling in me is managing to keep calm and not fretting. He is very calm and placid most of the time and I used to lose my temper on the odd occasion before we started going out. Nowadays I'm a lot calmer and considered and it's all due to him mostly.

    • MrsLJDeaton
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Aww most have picked up good habits DVD dislike their bad habits you put up with it like them farting and burping all the time or playing games on the Xbox in between playing and feeding and looking after our son my example it still annoys me how addicted he is to the Xbox One I still want to break it but if I do Hell will break loose!! Hubby keeps trying to get me to play games with him I won't dislike them unless certain games I don't mind others Hell No!!

    Bad habits off his not listening to Mr watching my mouth move hearing no sound doesn't do things when I say on the dot and just being a irritant but I still Love Him Xxx

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    Started going out 23.10.2010 met at Barnet college Engaged 23.08.2012 In Turkey Our 1st Holiday Together To be Mrs Lana Jocelyn Deaton on 23.10.2015 5 years the day
    Jamiroquai Arthur Gordon Deaton Born 29/05/2015 My Son Jammy
    • Ticamis2be
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Hmmm not sure I can think of anything either of us have picked up from the other x
    • StephH96
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I've picked up a few of his sayings, like 'and so'. He's picked up a lot on my sense of humour :)
    • MichelleC961
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    My oh has picked up some Scottish words I say lol

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    • JoanneH4
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Lol my H2B picked up some of my phrase I use to say
    He is starting to like tv shows, videos and DVDs that I like or love, depending on what it is. I've started liking some of his tv programmes and some of his DVDs. At the moment, he has only took a real shine to don't tell the bride and holly oaks. There's of one tv show that I've really took a shine to is Dr Who but to be honest to you all, I only started to watching it when we first started dating to keep him happy but after a while I started enjoying it. Now we can't miss a single esipode of Dr who
    • DanielleG93
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    i've picked up his love of starwars and i watch lots of dance programs (i was a dancer, suppose i still am as i dance every week helping my girls dance teacher) and often point out little mistakes and what was good and i realised the other night when he was watching bgt he has started doing the same, which is hilarious as he has learnt so much from me without realising it

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    Mrs Barlow to-be
    2nd September 2017

    • Super4ac
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I think we've both picked up a lot of each others' speech patterns and phrases and things.
    His worst habit is biting his nails - tried to get him to stop, I hate it! And vice versa for my smoking habit :/
    I tend to watch more TV programs now, I wouldn't have done much before I met him but we like to binge-watch stuff on N3tfl!x together so I do that a bit more now even when I'm on my own.
    I think there's a lot of other things we've got from each other that aren't habits as such - self confidence, communication, positivity... :)
    • Super4ac
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Oh, and we affect each others' sleep patterns a lot haha - I've got him into the habit of going to bed earlier, but he's got me into the habit of staying awake later once in bed (watching programs usually!!!)

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