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    • CommentAuthorMrsRobson2Be
    I'm off to my 1st wedding fair today, is there any reason why I shouldn't book things there & then?
    Do the vendors normally do special offers at the wedding fairs?
    I have already had a quote for transport & they will be at the fair today, so if I like the cars as much as in the pics I will be booking them.
    I'm hoping to book a photographer & chair covers/table linens too.
    • DonnaH39
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    No reason why you shouldn't book today if it's something you really want :)

    We booked our suits at a wedding fair because they were doing a special offer. We also saw our entertainment (band and violinist) at the same wedding fair but waited to book as we wanted to check the band out and we wanted to double check figures to make sure we could afford the violinist, as it wasn't something we had expected to see and want. We saw some centre pieces we loved, luckily we didn't book them though as they were expensive and we've since decided on something much cheaper which will look just as effective.

    • DonnaH39
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Have fun and I hope you come back with loads of idea's, great idea to go to see the cars before booking as well

    • AprilS61
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I'm started to get addicted to wedding fairs! My first one I went to I provisionally booked our venue and paid deposit last week. I found the perfect photographer there too but didn't want to book because I didn't realise everything was going to start happening from now, but I'm at another one today and going to keep my out for others hopefully as good but cheaper. If I don't find anyone I'm going to contact the one we like after the fair :) x

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    Mr & Mrs Swan 04/04/15

    • DonnaH39
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Got loads of idea's from the fair we've just got back from :)

    • *The NewMrsMalin*
      CommentAuthor*The NewMrsMalin*
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    If you have your venue booked and date confirmed then there is no reason why you can't book there and then. Good luck :)

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    • CommentAuthorMrsRobson2Be
    We'll that was interesting, I'm not a chatty person so found it hard to chat to loads of strangers but I did it.
    I booked a photobooth & spoke to some photographers, ideally I think I want a 2 man team though.
    Had a look at the cars & explained to the owner that ideally we wanted 2 vintage rolls Royce's, he has one but said his mechanic has an identical car, so he's going to speak to him & do me a deal :)
    • *KelBel*
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    U can get loads of special offers,but it can be overwhelming! I used to love wedding fairs when we were at the beginning and they're a good place to be for extra discounts x

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    • ElizabethF49
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I found last weeks wedding fair overwhelming my head was bursting by the end of it. But I did get a great del on our cake and paid the deposit for it. Also got loads of other ideas and will go back again in October when it's on again.

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    After 7 years and 11 months he proposed to me 18.10.13
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    Life hasnt been easy but we have each other :)
    • Whovianbride
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I have fund most vendors are not looking or pushing you to book right there an then, they rxplain there package costs etc then givd you a booklet/flyer ask if you want to leave your details whichI always say no I will contact you. And quite often on flyers they have offers like 10% off if you book by .... Or if you quote this wedding fayre.

    I find them great tho as I pick people party by cost but a big part on personality and if I get a good vibe from the people.

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    Met June 2009 on my Birthday,Met again July 2009 and got
    together, May 2010 Moved in,Jan 2011 got pregnant,
    August 2011 Got our own place, 2011 Had our Baby Girl,
    Dec 2011 Got engaged, July 2015 Getting married! Yay!

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