Recently engaged back in March 2016 me and my fiancé are looking for wedding venues in the North East but are really struggling finding the right one. So far we have looked at R@m$!d£ Hall, H@!!£@rth M@nor, B1@ckw311 Gr@ng3, R3dw0rth H@11 but nowhere seems to be "the one". Any suggestions would be great.
Edit - in line with forum rules
CommentAuthorMrs Jones
Wh1tw0rth H@ll Luml£y C@stle H0tel
First Date 26 April 2014
Proposed 27 June 2015
Happily Married 18 June 2016
CommentAuthorElinor Claire
A1nw1ck C@stl3 S1@1ey H@11
30th August 2014 was the best birthday ever.
It was the day that I became Mrs. Dixon.