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    • TaliaH
      Just marriedBadgeBadge

    Lately I've been having thoughts about cancelling my wedding...just because my fella has been nothing but lazy the last few months and hasn't contributed towards this wedding. He works and i study at university. I do love him been with him for 13 years. It has takeb me a log time ti say yes to marrying him. Am i just having cold feet?!
    • Itsjustkay86
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Wow! This post really spoke to me. I'm due to get married in February 2020 and have been telling my fiance for weeks and weeks he needs to start putting money into the wedding as so far I have paid for everything (Basically deposits for everything we have booked) he hasn't done a thing. I spoke to him about it and he said he would pay my make up artists deposit as i was worried she would get booked up and then he didn't pay it, i had to then hold my breath for 3 weeks until i got paid so i could pay it. I told him that it had really let me down and I was disappointed in him so i told him to pay our registrar fees so he would atleast put money into the pot. Well he paid them and then complained he had "No money to spend on himself" which really p*ssed me off as it just makes me think he's not bothered. I've just worked out that we need to be putting in atleast £600 each, a month into our pot in order to get the wedding paid off and I know hes just going to have a massive tantrum over it. He can be very selfish with money and everyone says he needs to grow up. I have told him time and time again if he wont put in, the wedding is off. We are actually sitting down tonight and having a serious discussion because I can't pay for the wedding myself and i feel like he would rather spend any extra money he gets on video games.

    It's very frustrating because hes very want want want with the wedding but wont give anything for it. I love him so much but hes such a bloody child and I just cant do this on my own so I totally get where you're coming from. Have you sat down and had a discussion about it? He might just need a kick up the backside which im hoping will work on my partner tonight lol
    • lala "mod" bunni
      CommentAuthorlala "mod" bunni
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    You both need to sit your other half's down & talk openly , I'd suggest somewhere outside of you home ( preferably with no WiFi !! ) if you feel this won't work ,write them a letter ...not an email,not a txt, a pen to paper letter...this allows you to write EXACTLY what you are feeling with out emotions getting the better of you when you talk ,also by writing it down a letter tends to be read,put down,picked up & read again.

    • MariaK38
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Try to be gentle with yourselves. I know it's really hard and you feel horrible right now, but have faith. Navigate your way with love and honesty and you'll be all that much stronger for it. Whatever happens.
    • Itsjustkay86
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I forced my fiance to sit down and we talked everything over. I made him cry i was that brutal with him and i gave him the opportunity to speak and then we agreed on who was putting what into the wedding fund every month from now on and now we have a good plan in place. Hes always been crap with his money so the reality of me saying he either puts money in or we call the wedding off really scared him. He has started showing interest in wedding plans and and seems to be really excited/nervous for the wedding now. Talking is definitely the best way :)
    • lala "mod" bunni
      CommentAuthorlala "mod" bunni
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Kay ,Ive just caught up ... I'm so delighted that you talked openly and got things back on an even keel


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