We're having a few children to the day of our wedding and I'm trying to find things to keep them entertained during the breakfast. We were going to make our own activity packs with puzzles etc to keep them quiet, but we've since found out that our venue doesn't allow crayons/pencils/pens of any kind on the tables :(
Does anyone have any ideas on things we could give them that doesn't involve needing colouring pencils?xx
The £1 shop do some great crafts that don't use pencils/crayons ect, like the fuzzy felt pictures, and foam flower making for older children, or you could give older children so origami instructions and card and see what they can come up with. Alternatively, can't you ask your venue if you supply the table cloth then they could have colouring pencils at least. We've got a few younger children at our wedding, including my daughter and we're due to look at a venue this week, so it's a good question to ask about crayons whilst we're there :) x
How about etch a sketch and those aqua magic mats. You can draw on them with a water filled pen, surely these would be allowed. Then when it dries its a fresh canvas to start on again :)
All fantastic ideas, thank you ladies. Ill get looking xx
Agree with mrshall2b fab ideas, could also get a magician in to do a show to keep them occupied x
CommentAuthorMrs M Wade
I've bought bubbles and colouring packs
Became Mrs Wade 06/08/2016
we had sh1t loads of loom bands, kept the kids of all ages interested, just not sure if they are the 'in thing' with the kids anymore lol
Wibbly wobbly, timey wimey
*Kelbel* is my wedding twinny!
What about an A to Z game where they have to spot things in the room etc
CommentAuthorPinky Pie
Puzzle book with small pack of pencils or crayons, sticker books, loom band packs x
Known him since 2009,got together in 2011
Got engaged June 7th 2015
Getting married 10/6/17
CommentAuthorElinor Claire
We had bubbles as favours for them to play with as well as colouring. Those usually go down well. Or what about K1nder Eggs with the toys for them to make up.
30th August 2014 was the best birthday ever.
It was the day that I became Mrs. Dixon.
how about printing off some little wedding colouring books? a few pages to keep them busy and a small pack of crayons?
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Married the love of my life on Saturday 11th May 2013 xxx
Had our dream perfect honeymoon in Hawaii!