Wedding Forum - Late afternoon wedding

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    • KatieG796
      Just marriedBadgeBadge

    Me and me partner are looking to book a wedding probably in 2024. I really hate the idea of a sit down meal and an all day event so I was thinking of a late afternoon wedding, maybe canapes afterwards and then a buffet on the evening. I would want the ceremony to be at the same location as the evening party ideally. All guests would come to the ceremony and evening so no need to split people into two categories.

    The Windmill Village Hotel in Coventry do a "Sundown Package" where we can get married on site and have as detailed above. Does anyone know of anywhere else in the West Midlands/Staffordshire that offers anything similar as I cant seem to find much online. It may be a case I have to email potential venues and build a specific package with them.
    • IvsicilyS
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I totally agree with you

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