Wedding Forum - deed poll lost for marriage notice - Page 1

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    • Toni MarieB
      CommentAuthorToni MarieB
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I changed back to my maiden name at the same time as my divorce from my ex husband

    by deed poll at the solicitors  I have been using my maiden name since 1994  

    my deed poll certificate as been misplaced and I only know the year   not the date or month .

    I am putting a notice of marriage In for Feb 18    

    the registra said they need the deed poll certificate and date

    I got a replacement deed poll certificate but there is the yr only on it , they won't accept it without the full date

    I have heard that it may be not possible to trace the date after all these years

    what do I do , do I need to see a solicitor ?
    • Glitterfairy
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I'd imagine the solicitor should have details of when it was issued with the full date.

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    Our wedding day - 6 October 2012

    • CommentAuthorRachelM708
    I have this same problem as my mum changed my surname when I was a child. I've never had a copy my mum gave me hers when I married first time round. Unfortunately she has now passed away. I checked with national archives in London as most solicitors send the deed poll certificate there unfortunately they don't have a copy and I don't remember the name of the solicitors as I was little. I explained the sitiuation to the registry office and they have been helpful and told me not to worry as my old marriage certificate has it on there. So when I do notice of marriage in March all I have to do is hand over all the documents I have.

    You could give national archives a ring in the hope that they would have a copy with the date on. I would also ask to speak to the senior register at the registry office and see if they could help you in any way.

    Good luck x
    • Mrs T Hurley!
      CommentAuthorMrs T Hurley!
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I remember reading somewhere that if you don't have the deed pole certificate, your previous marriage certificate and your divorce certificate should be sufficient if you don't have the deed pole certificate, but I don't know to be 100% sure, but the registry office should be helping you as to what you need to do. Good luck x

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    Met 18/09/03
    Engaged 06/09/08
    Getting married 05/09/17
    • Toni MarieB
      CommentAuthorToni MarieB
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    hi all ,
    thank you so much for your replies
    • LisaL125
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I lost my deed poll about 8 years but the UK Deed Poll Office had a copy archived, I only had to provide my former name and current photo ID and they sent me a replacement.

    They have a section on their website for requesting replacement deed poll name change certificates

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