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    • CamillaB
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Is your hen night a big secret too you? why did you want it a big secret?... only asking this because last friday night i totally slipped up with my sister in law too be hen party location!... she was telling me how she has invited a girl from work who is 17, and i replied well she wont be able to get into any of the clubs in Cardiff... She then looked at me and replied oh so im going to cardiff for my hen... I TOTALLY SLIPPED UP... i really didnt mean to. THEN... she was telling me about her other bridesmaid who is also helping me arrange my SILTB hen party, about her hen party in bristol yadda yadda and i was annoyed because i hadnt been invited. ANYWAY... On saturday i told the bridesmaid that i had slipped up and i was sorry and i thought she knew where she was going to cardiff, and then i said i think she would have preffered to have gone to bristol like were your having your hen party... and basically she didnt know she was going to bristol for her hen party... SO OVER THE COURSE OF THE WEEKEND I SPOILED TWO HEN PARTY LOCATIONS... and as you can guess all aruging started kicking off on the book of face and now i am seen as the bad person!!

    so yup... is yours a suprise?
    • Ana40
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Mine isn't a surprise as such, I know the general plan but I'm unaware of the fine details. X

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    • *KelBel*
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    Mine isn't! I wanted to know EXACTLY what I'm doing x

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    • almost a year wife!!
      CommentAuthoralmost a year wife!!
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I know where I'm going and what were doing, my moh (sis) has organised other things too tho which I don't know about! It's on Saturday x

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    • Mrs T. 2 Be
      CommentAuthorMrs T. 2 Be
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    The only things I know about my Hen is that we are going to Albufeira in Portugal, we are staying in All Inclusive Apartments and one of the nights is fancy dress (cheerleaders). I know that other things are planned but who knows what and when. We go Easter Weekend, I cannot wait :)

    To start with I wasn't going to know the fancy dress theme but then when it came to ordering and needing to know size I would need it became tricky, plus, they couldn't decide between them so I picked out of the hat from their suggestions.

    I think its slightly different though when you go abroad. I know some people that have planned pretty much everything for their Hen Do's but my opinion is there should be some surprises along the way.

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    • MrsH
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I had two hen nights (greedy I know, but one was more expensive so I only asked people I am really close to) But I didn't know anything about my first one- My BMS organised it which was great. They all know me very well and knew I wouldn't want a stripper or a wild night out so we had a really nice time! I kind of enjoyed not knowing anything that was going on but then again I trusted them all so I guess that helps! The second one I helped to organise but they still threw in some surprises!
    • Mrs T. 2 Be
      CommentAuthorMrs T. 2 Be
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I have 2 as well lol!
    I had one the other week, a local one where work colleagues, family and friends that aren't coming to Portugal had a chance to come to. I was expecting calm but that wasn't the case so that one was full of surprises lol! I LOVED it!

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    • MrsCross2be
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I am having 2 - one in the north for close people which was meant to be surprise but they couldnt organise each other so I just took over and my colleagues are organising a southern one which I only know I am going to a beauty salon for part of it.
    • RachelE118
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    That's exactly the kind of thing I would do!! You aren't a Sagittarius by any chance? I figure if people had wanted it kept secret they should have told you!! My hen weekend is to butlins so no surprise in location but I bet the girls will have something up their sleeves!!
    • DonnaH39
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Mine is a surprise but if someone leaked info I wouldn't be upset, although I think they'll be telling everyone it's a surprise.

    I agree if they wanted it keeping a surprise then you should have been told

    • Sonya
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Mine isn't a surprise at all. Don't see why people would get upset over it tbh! I'd rather know where and what so I know what to pack

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    • ElizabethF49
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I don't do surprises so I will know most of what's going on as my sister wouldn't hear the end of it.

    If they wanted it kept a secret they should have said to you they didn't want the b2b to know the arrangements, but to now have a fight over it is ridiculous

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    • AH86
      Ticker backgroundTicker foreground
    It sounds like these people are still in school?!

    How much fun can you take out of it by naming the city!?

    But anyways, I've lived in both Cardiff and bristol and both are amazing nights out. I think cardiff is better for hen parties personally.

    I want to know mine, I'm pretty sure I will be told where we are going and main activities.

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    • MrsH
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    My mum let slip! She was mortified but I didn't mind, I agree with Alih86 it didn't take any fun out of it!!

    I liked the fact it was a surprise, but it wouldn't have ruined it for me!
    • Whovianbride
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Im planning most of im obsessive. But would like some suprises

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    • *KelBel*
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    I think the hen do is like a practice stress before the wedding to get you used to it as planning a hen do is very stressful x

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    • vic:)
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    mine is a surprise... I told my sister I didn't want one, so she went and organised one with sil2b but someone at work slipped up so that's how I know I got one....but apart from that I know nothing! xx
    • InDreamland
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Oops, I'm sure you haven't ruined the hens, just the element of surprise, don't worry about it hun, they'll get over it and if they don't then they need to grow up.

    Bits of my Hen were a surprise, all i knew for mine were the locations for the Friday night and the hotel we were staying in and the spa we were going to for the weekend. Everything else was a surprise and it was lovely. Each bride is different, it can be nerve wrecking not knowing and I have to admit I was worried about what they were planning even though I trusted them not to book things i really didn't want, other brides love surprises. Thankfully I wasn't disappointed and my sister and best mate did a fab job, better than I could have ever done.

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    • CommentAuthorMattsBride
    Mine's not a surprise! We're having a night out in Liverpool planned my my moh, she knows I don't want fancy dress or strippers! Just a nice booze-filled evening with my nearest and dearest!
    • *The NewMrsMalin*
      CommentAuthor*The NewMrsMalin*
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Mine isn't a surprise :P

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    • kittyh
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    my bridesmaids are organising mine so for now its total a surprise, im glad to have washed my hands of that job to be honest, especially as I am going to be living abroad until 4 months before the wedding! I will know the date(s) in the next couple of months and then I suppose at some point I will find out whether its cos someone (probably my sister) will let it slip or whether its the day before but I really couldn't care less either way! as long as I don't have to do any of the organising I am happy!

    Some people are so precious! It was an accident, they will get over it! xx
    • Becky1608
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    My BMs are organising mine and at the moment I have no idea what it is! It's not until August though so someone might let it slip accidentally at some point! Xxx

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    • Susie
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Awww hun, this is why Im glad I dont have that many women friends! They can all jump in nails out cant they!! Im technically not having a hen, Im having drinkies at the house then at the pub two days before the wedding. Dave is having a stag though...he thinks...though people havent been as good as us organising things! lol
    • CommentAuthorFranM76
    Im organising my own hen do - it's my hen do so I want to do what I want to do!! Bridesmaids are only18 and 19 and my best mate would no doubt order some strippers or something which I REALLY DON'T WANT!!! To save any upset/argument I just thought I'm gonna do it myself! xx
    • Joanna
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    Mine was a secret. I didn't know a thing about mine. My sister told me the day before to be ready for a certain time. I think it's lovely to have a surprise x

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    • rachymoo
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Uh-oh lol.

    I know where we're going (Birmingham) but I don't know what we're doing or even where we're staying. Originally we were going to Liverpool and I was planning it but it all got a bit much so I changed it to Birmingham (a bit more local) and my bridesmaids are planning it for me x
    • Elinor Claire
      CommentAuthorElinor Claire
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Mine's basically a surprise but my MOH has run some ideas past me.

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    • MrsThomson2B
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    I have asked my sister to arrange a spa day and a night out on seperate weekends but I am leaving the details to the bridesmaids to work out between them. Iwant nothing to do with it unless I am asked to get involved. I wouldn't worry abot it just tell everyone to get lost and that they need to make ipeople aware that the details are a secret xx
    • clairenina
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I've never heard of secret hen nights. I have heard of people arranging surprises though (so I guess that bit would be secret)
    • MrsBull2B
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I know what I want to do for mine, or at least have a good idea, I have already priced up a cocktail making masterclass at my local Revolution, or im thinking maybe a spa day. I dont want to go out and get plastered as I can do that any day of the week, I want it to be something that I will remember for a start. Oh, and I DONT WANT A STRIPPER!! xx

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    • Velcro
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I went for the surprise in the end because trying to plan it was pi$$ing me off. I was glad to hand responsibility over to moh so I can just forget about it!

    It will be nice for something wedding related that I don't know down to the last detail, getting right on my wick this wedding planning malarkey now!

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    • MrsR-C2b
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Mine is a surprise, but oh the drama! My sisters had organised it for May bank holiday and booked something back in November but didn't ask me until January when I was free. Then one of my friends invited me to her wedding that same weekend. Oh my gosh, the tears and tantrums, my sisters stopped talking to me, my mum told me I had a bad attitude and I was in bigg trouble with them all. I've made the decision not to go to the wedding... just to retain some peace within my family. Can't afford to fall out before the wedding!

    Also, I'm totally with you Velcro... three months to go and I've had enough!!!

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