Wedding Forum - Mum won’t come to my wedding!

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Wedding Forum - Mum won’t come to my wedding!...

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    • PamL70
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    So my mum called me earlier saying she won’t attend my wedding if my dad is there, I want my dad to walk me down the aisle. She said he was abusive in the past and can’t relive that trauma. I knew nothing about this and I’m understandably upset and angry.

    How can I have both parents at the wedding and how do I approach my dad telling him when he isn’t the one with an issue?

    Please help me!! I really want them both to be there.
    • Velcro
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I guess your next step would to have a candid chat with your dad about this

    I didnt invite my dad in the end, to my wedding and although I still regret it and feel guilty, i think it was probably the beat decision. Though I wouldn't allow someone to else to give the ultimatum, as that isn't fair. Though with your mums admissions, i do think you need to talk to your dad then evaluate what you do from there

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