Wedding Forum - Is your dad giving you away or someone else - Page 3

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    • Mrs T Hurley!
      CommentAuthorMrs T Hurley!
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    my grandma is giving me away. My dad disappeared when i was 9 and my mum is not deserving of the honour of giving me away (neither of them r coming). My grandfather died when I was 12 and I'm very close 2 my nan anyway!

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    Met 18/09/03
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    • mrsheavey2b
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    my dad will b am the oldest daughter ( god that makes me sound really old saying that lol am only 24 ) and my older brother has been married but it was a bit of a rush and a sham ( his ex wife admitted she was sleeping with his best mate but he still married her ) so this is the first proper family wedding and my dad is so excited bless him
    • Feb..bride2012
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    My dads giving me away :) x
    • Vicky
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    My dad is giving my away. He is so excited and said he is worried about shedding a tear.. I will be shocked if he does as I have never seen him cry..
    • xMrsRobson2bx
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Im hoping my dad wil be giving me away - althought when i had told my parents of mine and craigs plans - we were pretty much left to do it ourselfs - they wasnt very happy about it - never being married themselfs - they constantly worry bout me and my finacial problems - which is nice as any parent would be lol - they have now come around to the idea - as my mum is now looking at things for my hen do - outfits and stuff :) and is talking about it alot more
    my dad on the other hand tells me he needs to run me down the aisle as his plane flight leaves half hour after! im hoping his just joking lol but he is always so serious! lol xx

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    • Kimberlee1
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Wow, glad i got alot of feedback, but im still not sure what to do. I mean ive always been daddys girl even when he left and then decided to man up. And when he wasnt there my step dad took on that role but we was never as close as id like, but since i was 5 hes been there regardless. I may just have to say to my Bio dad that this is what i want if it not then i'll look into either my little sister or son doing it. I know its not traditional but hey ho

    14th August 2010 Engaged to Mister Matthews 17th August 2012 I'll be Missus Matthews
    • mcquire81
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I am my dads only daughter and eldest child so i have no choice really but to have him give me away! We have had a strained relationship at times over the last couple of years and at times i wish my step father was doing it as he has been more supportive but its a can of worms im not willing to open! Instead my step father has agreed to make the cupcakes which keeps him involved! :-)
    • Kaz
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    That's sweet mcquire, just make sure that your H2B or best man give him big thanks in the speech, pointing out that he made them!!!

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    I say the first thing I think of!

    • mcquire81
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Oh i fully intend to, i wanted him to be involved and he will get more thanks than my dad!
    • nettie
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I wanted to involve my stepson as much as i could so i asked him to give me away xxx
    • MrsCaitiClarke
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I'm having my dad give me away. We've had our problems since he and my mum split up when I was 5, but especially recently since my son has been really poorly he's been amazing and so supportive that I didn't want to not give him this opportunity. Especially as I'm the only girl so he's never going to get a chance to do it again!

    My Grandpa's been there for me all my life and raised me so although Dad's walking me down the aisle, when the Vicar says "who gives this woman to be married?", my Grandpa is going to stand with my Dad and they'll both give me away.

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