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    • ClareS
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Just watching the bbc 6 o clock news and it was on there! lol Although I have to agree with some points, surely email wasn't the best form of communication.
    • Jane
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Would love to be a fly on the wall when she next meets her future mother in law........ ouch. I think if I was her I would grab Freddie, elope and never come back!

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    • CommentAuthortimpson123
    I don't agree that people aren't part of a family until they get married. What about people who decide not to get married but are together for years?

    I also think that taking a gift the first time you meet someone is good manners, personally after that I probably wouldn't, unless it was for something like a birthday or anniversary or if it was a more formal gathering. If someone brought me a gift everytime they came to see me I would feel a bit awkward and start thinking I should get them something to thank them for coming round and then they might think they have to get me something else for thanking them... it could go on forever and frankly if someone expected a gift just because they allowed me in their presence, well I don't think I would want to be in their presense at all.
    • Sophie Sherwood to b
      CommentAuthorSophie Sherwood to b
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground

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    One day there was a ugly duckling.........
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    • CommentAuthorJoey
    • CommentAuthortimpson123
    Thanks, just read that back and thought to myself - how can someone spell a word right and then several words later spell the same word wrong? Presence* :-D
    • CommentAuthor~ஜ~Tiggs Daltry~ஜ~
    the bride to be is called heidi withers,the mil2b is called carole vaughn (sp)
    • CommentAuthorJoey
    awww Mandy I didnt even notice. I was too busy liking what you were saying :) x
    • Kinkyemo
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I was reading about this last night! And where I agree manors dont cost anything yet can go a long way! (now this is personal opinion not meant to upset or annoy others I understand we all have our own POV on this matter)

    1) I think this woman is stuck up beyond belief
    2) The food issues I personally would hate to be somewhere for a weekend and spend it hungry! and also the bride to be had stated she was diabetic and she has to be careful what she eats, Also I would not eat something that I didnt like (such as I refuse to eat beef and I dont care who's house Im at for tea I will not eat it simple) Yes I think the lady should have either asked for second helpings or waited till she was asked!
    3) As for the handwritten cards I deem them unnecessary in this situation! I would never send a handwritten card to say thankyou for staying at family or future family's home! Id say thankyou but not put it in writing!
    4) The whole diabetic thing. Yes you dont need to keep going on about it but tell the people you feel need to know as it could save your life! And as for the walk you can be as prepared as you like sometimes these things happen!
    5) The whole thing about the venue and HER parents paying! That is to me a very old fashioned way to look at a wedding! My parents are not paying much at all My mom is paying the photographer (her friend and business partner) £50 to do my day for my wedding present! Other than That my sister is paying for the evening buffet also as a gift other than that me and H2b are paying for everything else!
    • CommentAuthor~ஜ~Tiggs Daltry~ஜ~
    im type 1 diabetic and dont need to inform people of dietary requirements just adjust insulin accordingly,thats the norm these days,all these diabetic products are infact worse for us as they contain sweetners like sorbitol which can cause problems,after being diabetic type 1 for 14 years im used to it now
    • CommentAuthortimpson123
    Thanks Joey! lol
    • suzky123
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    wow the cheek!

    cant wait to be Mrs Evans less than 3 weeks woooo
    start weight 10st 1.5 lbs
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    • panther_87k
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    the problem with this article (and many others) is that you only read one side of it, that being the MIL's, she may well have blown alot of things out of proportion, or even made somethings up in the heat of the moment. Whats to say that the MIL wasn't looking down her nose at the DIL2B the whole time which then got on her nerves so she decided to "bug" the MIL on purpose. I know i'd feel like it if someone was continuously looking down on me. Without the DIL2B's side of things who knows how much of the MIL's comments and gripes are actually truthful
    • lil_firehorse
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    LOl funny.
    • clive
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Well, we're getting married in a castle, so that's us well and truly screwed then! LOL

    Honeslty, this woman sounds just like my ex!!! geeez !:o)
    • LeanneDickson
    tbh although she came across a bit stuck up...I kind of agree with her
    • A.Bird2b
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Ok, so this woman is a fair bit stuck up her own Beehind, she has a few fair points about not starting dinner before everyone else and maybe about not thanking then for letting her stay (though I wouldn't personally go as far as a handwritten thank you card). She does need to get off her high horse though, In so much as the food is concerned, yes if you have a medical condition then there are things you can and can't eat ( I am intolerant to egg, so I warn people if I'm staying for dinner) but a good host will always check before serving just anything to a guest. I even go as far as to ask people before they arrive if there is anything they won't eat so I don't have the awkward situation of serving something they don't like.
    Getting married in a castle? .... not my personal cup of tea but its the brides day and no one should stop her from having her idea of perfection.

    If it were my wedding she would be uninvited, publicly, for being so rude. Manners cost nothing but she showed she forgot to pick some up when she sent that email. A polite and private chat would have been much more civilised.
    • GuessWho
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Ha ha someone sent me the link for this article today - the castle thing got me - the first thing I thought about was, what would the UK Briders say about that! This woman needs to get a grip - she'd be getting banned from my wedding! Xx

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    • EcoFreak
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I think she has some fair points, but has phrased them terribly and it's all gotten blown out of proportion without enough background detail.

    For example with the food requirements: if it were for medical reasons then I'd mention it to the host quietly in advance but if the B2B announced it at the table, when the meal had been served then that's not very considerate but not a massive deal. However if it were just personal preference (like I'm not a fan of Brussel Sprouts) then I'd suck it up and either eat them in with everything else/not put them on my plate if it were self-serve/if I really hated the food in question I'd mention it in advance so the host has warning to arrange an alternative. So if the B2B had a b1tch at the dinner table about how she didn't like something then as the host I'd be miffed. On the other hand if the B2B mentioned in advance/quietly/didn't put them on her plate I wouldn't bring it up/moan about it as the host.

    Personally I like castles so I disagree there.

    If it were a dinner party then I'd definitely bring something. If it were just a casual dinner then I'd bring something for the first few times, then just every so often.

    IMO the handwritten note is a bit outdated - again if it were a dinner party then I might, but for normal dinners what's wrong with saying thank you to her face?

    Sleeping in late when the rest of the house rises early would make me uncomfortable so personally I agree with the MIL2B there, but that's personal opinion. If the H2B is also sleeping in then why get up alone?

    The bit about "lowering her expectations to suit her budget" bit can be taken two ways, depending on the background info, which we don't have lol. First, if she wants a big wedding, then just save up for longer, MIL2B is out of line saying reign it in. But if the B2B is expecting this massive wedding on a big budget, but in a short time frame without saving up, the MIL2B is right, B2B is being unrealistic. Either way (unless the B2B's parents are actually paying for it of their own free will, not forced by B2B or MIL2B) bringing up the bit about the parents was out of line for MIL2B.

    Insulting your H2B's family in public - rude! MIL2B is right there, if my H2B insulted my family in public I would be raging.

    Telling the B2B to go to finishing school - also rude! So she did some things that weren't very polite, doesn't mean she needs to go to finishing school! Bad MIL2B lol!

    Sorry - this has gotten quite long... Basically MIL2B has some (not all) good points in my opinion but the way she went about it was just asking for trouble!! As to the extent of how 'right' or 'wrong' she was to bring those points up I guess we'll never know unless we stalk them and sit in at their next dinner party lol! xx

    • Katie
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I would love to be a fly on the wall the next time they meet lol


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    • Stevie_Dee
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I can see both sides. I think mother in law/daughter in law realtionships can sometimes be very strained but I don't think writing the email was good manners and I think the daughter in law was wrong for not keeping that email as a private matter. I don't have the best relationship with my MIL but as Steve's mother I have to respect her. I would never dream of slating Steve's family in public. In the daughter in laws defence she is marrying the guy not his family and I think her husband to be should cut the apron strings and tell his mother that it is not her choice but his.

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    • becky -mrs firth
      CommentAuthorbecky -mrs firth
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    balls is wat i think!

    wen goin to a meal u always take sum 'drink' with u

    one sayin 'thank u ' u say it u dont send a card for chirst sake its only a meal!

    gettin married in a castle.... get married where the hell they like, nothing to do wiv mil

    stayin in bed til dinner..... u dont knwo if they was out late the night before or working or anything so we can not comment on this!

    mil sayin any of this.... out if order!!! just cos she was brought up like that doesnt mean that every1 has to act liek she does!

    my reply to that wud of been f uck rite off, thank you!

    Engaged 27th November 2010
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    • PapillonEmma
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I read the list of bad manners this girl supposedly has and ticked off each one as something I have done/not done in my in laws home. However, I am lucky and they are so laid back and I get on so well with them.

    I think its hard to know who is "right" without getting the full story. However, it is definately out of order to send a vicious email thats only intention is to hurt the other person. To claim she is "patting herself on the back for bagging the eligable young man" is an attack on a person the mil2b has done intentionally to hurt the b2b.

    The table manners could almost completely be put down to her diabetes. I dont know much about that illness, however what I do know is that having to high or too low blood sugar is dangerous and so if she required certain foods or more food it may well be due to that and not due to rudeness (although it may have been rudeness, who knows but the girl).

    I would love to know the full story, but something that is clear is that the b2b will never feel welcomed into her in laws home. That is a real shame.
    • becky -mrs firth
      CommentAuthorbecky -mrs firth
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    no offence if i wasnt full and tehre was a bowl of food left on table i wud have more?? its why its tehre on table 4 people to get lol

    Engaged 27th November 2010
    Hen Do Newcastle 2nd June 2012
    Marrying the man of my dreams 11th August 2012!
    Honeymoon To Jamaica 14th October 2012
    • CommentAuthortimpson123
    As a host I would say something like 'help yourself to what's left' and then usually guests will say 'does anybody mind if I have that last roastie?' or whatever.
    • Kinkyemo
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    AHAHA the dad has responded to the e-mail!

    The father of a girl insulted in an email by her future mother-in-law which went viral has defended his daughter.

    Heidi Withers, 29, was described as an ideal candidate for the Ladette to Lady television series in the correspondence from her fiancé's 60-year-old stepmother Carolyn Bourne six months ago.

    Speaking at his Ledbury, Herefordshire home, Heidi's 64-year-old father Alan said that Bourne, of Dawlish, Devon, had sent Heidi the email three times in one day, SWNS reports.

    "Heidi was very upset and the two of them obviously don't see eye to eye. I met Carolyn and her husband Edward for dinner at a pub in London last year," Alan said.

    "Edward was a jovial chap but Carolyn was quite snotty. She had a look about her which made us think she thought she was better than us.

    "Ever since that meeting we call her 'Miss Fancy Pants'. I think she has her head stuck so far up her own arse she doesn't know whether to speak or fart."

    Bourne responded: "I have nothing to say."
    • panther_87k
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    hahaha, i like his response!

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