Wedding Forum - how to get him motivated??

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Wedding Forum - How to get him motivated??...

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    • MrsPrestleton2be
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    i was just wondering how i am to get my h2b motivated to
    a) start his divorce
    b) have some input on the wedding and
    c) start realising we've got to start saving!!
    he's driving me crazy!!!

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    • rainykins
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    for the divorce, if there aren't kids involved go to the local courts and ask for divorce paper documents (much cheaper to do it by yourself if there is nothing to divide/split) MY h2b done this earlier this year and it took about 6 months from start to finish to complete (admittedly h2b and his ex wife get on great so there was no problems)
    Input into wedding - good luck, mine isnt too worried about the wedding day as long as i am happy, although i do run everything by him
    Saving, transfer some money each month into a savings account, even a small amount would help as every little bit you save its a little less to pay out at the end.

    Good luck though hun, i think the divorce is the one that will drive you the most craziest as until that is done, there isn't much you can do on the wedding side - apart from provisionally booking places (registrar wont provisionally book, they do require the decree absolute before they will book an appointment) xox
    • MrsPrestleton2be
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    thanks hun. he has 2 children with her. they have been seperated 3 years. he pays csa and left her with everything in the house. x

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    met 2008
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    • TotallyLovedUp
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    good luck huni hoe it gets sorted soon (think rainykins covered the whole divorce thing well lol)
    and if you manage to get ur h2b motivated let me know how lol mine isnt giving me much input grr
    • MrsPrestleton2be
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    lol TotallyLovedUp i think we need to get a plan together x

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    met 2008
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    • rainykins
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Even wit kids involved hun the divorce should be easy enough, does your h2b and his ex have a reasonable relationship regarding the kids etc? as if they do that helps with doing a divorce off your own back. Doing the divorce between the two of them and omitting solicitors will save him thousands of pounds, i think it cost in total about 400 pounds for h2b and his ex wife to get their divorce stated. In the divorce they did ask questions about the kids. So we have done the same and gone through the CSA for the girls (his son lives with us) we pay by a standing order weekly for them and we see them once a month at the moment due to how much it costs both us and his ex wife to do this.
    You may find that onece your h2b has got the divorce started his interest in your upcoming nuptials may change with him being more interested. If it doesn't don't hold it against him after all he is a man and they are not so keen on colour choices and dresses etc. ANy input you can get from him is an added bonus. xox
    • MrsPrestleton2be
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    thank you rainykins thats a great help. we all get on really well cause of kids. so hopefully it will be straightforward x

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    met 2008
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    • TotallyLovedUp
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    lol mrsprestleton2b we certainally do!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • rainykins
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    your welcome hun, i know how frustrating it can be when you want to move forward with planning but can't. If h2b won't go and get the forms call the local court and ask if you can pick them up/ or have them sent out. If youhave the paper work it may be an incentive to get it done quicker. Try not to worry too much about it as its relatively easy (if you do incur any problems with filling it in, call the courts or contact CAB to see if they can help - i wont lie its not the easiest of forms to fill in)
    • MrsPrestleton2be
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    lol funniest thing is he's got the forms!! he's had them For about a year!!

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    met 2008
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