Wedding Forum - How to get h2b involved

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    • mandy
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Hi all.

    I was just wondering how involved your h2b's are. I seem to be doing pretty much everything and have resulted in asking my younger sister to help me plans as I'm getting frustrated. He wants to help but not till closer to the time which for me now is close enough, he seems to get bored really easily as well so he can look at things for ten minutes then doesn't seem to want to talk about it. We're hopefully going to visit some venues, one of them hopefully will be tomorrow morning and I'm scared he won't say a thing while we're there. Do any of use have any ideas how I could involve him more?
    • jo Santa
      CommentAuthorjo Santa
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    My h2b was brilliant doing the booking of the venue and dj and he'll stop me stressing about money. He also gave me an hour to get him a suit and asked his dad if he could have one of his shirts (he's a cupboard full of unopened ones) and rang his best man. He's helped me to compile the guest list and got some addresses of his mates who I don't know.
    Aside from that, which all happened in one week, his answer ever since has been "I don't mind" or "do what you like". So I am :0)

    Jo Santa

    • ~feebee~
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Oh my h2b has a very short concentration span with the wedding! I have to prod and nag him a bit about things. We have got loads done but more needs sorting now, time to get my pokey broom out lol x

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    • LittleMissBossy
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    My h2b does my head in from time to time. We've been together for nearly 7 years and marriage talk was happening very soon - but he the got made redundant and cancelled a big proposal because he couldn't afford the ring. YEARS of telling him that I don't want a big diamond or a big wedding - nada, he wanted it that way. Don't get me wrong I love my ring but I would have been happier with a less flashy vintage ring. We could never afford the big wedding - he wanted, not me - so we never started planning until I pushed and got relatives help on board for a smaller scale wedding. Now everything is set and I am really, really good in budgeting and research but if there's too much wedding talk he makes me feel like bridezilla and doesn't want to hear it. BUT he also doesn't let me get on with it - he wants a say in everything (fair enough, it's his wedding too but he never has time) and to him it's totally strange that the woman does most of the organising.

    I love him very much but this doed drive me crazy - wanting to be involved but too quickly has enough but also not letting me just decide. Ggggrrrrrrrrr....

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    • Stevie_Dee
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Steve wasnt too interested when there was "ages to go" (his phrase) now we have less than 6 months hes become far more involved.
    Hes doing all the guy type jobs, organising the car, bus and yacht, putting all the music together and organising the clothes for all the men and boys. lol He wouldn't have a clue if I asked him to help with flowers or favours though! xx

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    • FutureMrsPite
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    yes my h2b is the same, he wants to have a look at everything and give his opinion but at the same time cant talk longer than 10 mins without being bored, most of the time its the shopping around looking for deals and ideas that us women do best and then when u want the final decision bring them in! lol such as if u were looking at dresses, pick the ones u like, then pick ur favourites, then give him a choice of 3, thats pretty much them making a decision but u doing the hard work, but at least what u show them u will like as u have chosen it all!

    all i get when i talk about wedding is, yeah, sounds good, ok, whatever babe lol so i know hes not really listening, they like to leave it last minute!

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    • Stevie_Dee
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    oh just seen that its 5 months on my ticker holy %^&*!!!!

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    • LittleMissBossy
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Well he never had a say in any kind of dress question - not for me or the bms. Or our accessories. But no free reign over the rest of the styling... Though I am good with bargaining with him - he can decide this and that (food) if I can style how I want...

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    • mandy
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Thanks this has kind of made me feel a bit better that its not just Jack (h2b) that isn't really involved.
    • CommentAuthorbridalmiss
    Haha I felt like I was planning everything in the beginning, then 2 months ago I had a proper stress with tears when I said I wasn't sure if I was planning the day I wanted, or if it was the day he wanted too - then I basically said I needed help, so we made a list of everything and told him what needed to be done - should have done that sooner as within the week he'd booked the honeymoon, cars etc and already now is putting a song list together for the DJ! Sometimes they just need a bit of a push x

    Now we only need the photographer sorting due to a problem with our previous arrangements, and everything else is done!
    • mandy
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    wow that sounds like hardwork I wouldn't blame you stressing with tears and that. I'm hoping that he will soon realise I can't do it alone, I'm starting to get insomnia already thinking about it, he woke up at 6 this morning to find me upstairs (our flat is a little backwards) knitting a friends scarf he's going to be in for more nights like this but only coming to find me doing planning in the easrly hours haha.

    Luckily one of my friends is a professional photographer so he is going to do our photos for us at a lower cost than what he would usually charge, he's bringing round the albums when I confirm the date with him :-D
    • CommentAuthorbridalmiss
    My friend was going to do that too, but just this week found out they're pregnant, and due the week before my wedding! Great for them but not so great for me, he's still said he'll do the photos but if she's late and gives birth the same weekend, he's going to the birth instead! So after a long think we're now looking to pay more to book a professional, non-pregnant photographer and invite our friends as guests instead - that way I won't lose sleep thinking when she's going to have the baby!
    • Antonia9
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    men dont care about the finer details, just tell them where to be and when lol. my h2b will get involved now and again - but generally he just says sounds good babe, or whatever you want im happy! lol which is fine for me. he will organise the suits for the guys and well finish off the guest list together and sort music together but i think thats as far as its gonna go lol. oh when i picked my bridesmaid dresses he did actually say - oh i love them! so thats a thumbs up! i wouldnt stress about it love, men are pretty much all the same, doesnt mean anything by it its just how it is on mars ;o) xx

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    • mandy
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    well we went to visit our first ceremony venue today and just by looking at the outside of it decided that neither of us wanted to go there as it was horrible, dirty and scruffy. We've got a couple of others that we need to see but are now looking at hotels for the ceremony.

    we were really disappointed as the town where the office was is quite a posh, tourist town so we thought it would be great but at least we went to view it in advance :-)

    he's said he will sort the transport and dj out, once they are sorted might find something else small for him to do

    • tillyturtle
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    my h2b is happy siging thwe cheques lol...dont get me wrong were not made of money but hes knows i love lookgin around and organising so hes left it to me although if we have to veiw anything or need a joint desisin he wholeheartdly gets involved and think secrelty loves it hahaha x
    • barbie86
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    So far, I've been largely responsible for planning, though he's had a fair bit of input. We looked at about 4 venues together, he loved the 4th, and decided that was 'the one' so didn't come to the other viewings I'd arranged (which was fine as they were weekdays mainly and he was working) and basically trusted my judgement (we booked the one he (well, both of us) loved lol). I imagine he'll have a lot of input when we book the photographer, and he's picking his own suit (likely with my help/opinion though).

    I don't think he's too fussed about the details, like the cake and flowers, so I imagine I'll be arranging these things. Which is fine, I really don't mind.

    A lot of men just don't care as much as women do about weddings, so don't take it too personally, but do make sure that you're not doing all the work, and give him some duties eg make him responsible for the suits, get him to stamp and address your invites, etc.
    • OWB
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Mine's not too bad, he chose the colour scheme (I wanted grey or green, but he didn't like either so eventually he said I could have the grey if he could have bright pink), he's been to wedding fayres as there's usually free food, he's coming dress shopping with me and he's sorting out the money side of it. He's not that keen on the details side of things (invites, table plans etc), so every now and then I flash a pic at him and he says yes or no, then leaves me to get on with it.

    I think it's about finding the things they like, mine likes to shop and play music. The music will be down to him to sort closer to the time.

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    • lala "mod" bunni
      CommentAuthorlala "mod" bunni
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    well apart from choosing the venue Mr lala hasnt been very involved really this isnt because he doesnt want to be but because he has been out for the country for most of the last 15mths
    there have been lots of emails and links sent so that he can look at things but i have done every thing ...( see my thread )

    • LittleMissBossy
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Do your men let you choose what you want them to wear?

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    • mandy
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    mine will let me have a say in what he wears but I don't get full choice, if he loves it nad i'm not so keen on it he is likely to go with his own feelings rather than mine. I've told him for the wedding he's chosing what he wears as long as its a suit, as teal tie etc lol
    • OWB
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    We'll go shopping for his suit together, but I think that's only fair as we're shopping for my dress together.

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    If only life could be one long tea break

    • mandy
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I think mines actually more scared about is mum's reaction, when he told her we were engaged she didn't speak to him for two weeks. We're going to sit down in 3 weeks and talk to her together as they live 200-300 miles away from us so its hard seeing them. I wanted to tell her today on the phone when she rang to talk to him but he's away until tomorrow so didn't say a word.

    he's becoming more interested slowly. He's going to have shock when he comes home tomorrow to find invitation samples covering the table
    • Mrsowen2b
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    my h2b just leave it all to me! he has told me what he likes and doesnt like what he wants and doesnt want and where he wont get married

    ive done all the research and he just said yes or no, and seeing as though he isnt paying a penny he has alot of scope haha!!

    youve got a lot less than me though to go so he should get interested soon.

    • mcquire81
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    My H2B isnt bothered about whats on a table or what flowers im holding but he is interested in the big stuff like venue, food and entertainment so i get him involved in that! x

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