Wedding Forum - Help with venue. Gretna green **closed**

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Wedding Forum - Help with venue. Gretna green **closed**...

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    • StephanieP852
    We haven't actually picked a venue yet. We are on a small budget and like the look and sound of Gretna green as there all inclusive package deals seem good. We only want immediate family but that's still quite alot for us, so the deposits are really high. Due to family living far away we want to give as much notice as possible so due to the high deposits we are slowly being put off. Also by the time we've added on extras I'm not even sure it's that good of a deal? (I may be wrong as some arnt always that clear of what they do include). Has anyone got married at Gretna or looked into it? What are your views, does anyone know of good package deals else where? Thank you.
    • Glitterfairy
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    Please see the official thread.

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    Our wedding day - 6 October 2012


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