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    • clarebear1
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    We have changed date and venue and Just having close family and intimate, I seen a friend that I dont bother with much well its my HTB second cousin when I see her we have a good chat etc and use to be close but she got a baby and we both busy, she doesnt really make the effort any more to ring me anyways she is gutted that she is not invited to the wedding, I never said she wasnt I just said we just having a small wedding with close family now as its in gretna green and didnt expect mates to travel and pay a small fortune for hotel etc, I feel guilty now and ive said for the last 3 wks sod them all there not coming to my HTB and now that ive seen her I feel as tho I have to invite them but I really cant be bothered inviting people that can make an effort and pick up the fone once in a while to see how we r, it was always us kaing the effort now we dont bother give up

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    • Kaz
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I wouldn't change all my plans because of a chance meeting, you've got to think how often you've actually seen each other in the last year?

    Are you still having the dress and bridesmaids etc.? Because you could always have a small celebration when you get back and invite everyone and also it's another chance to wear your dress!!! xx

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    I say the first thing I think of!


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