So iv just started to plan properly and iv come across an issue right away. For ease of life my H2B wants to invite his aunt, who on numerous occasions has had snarky little comments about me, my job and even my choice of reception venue!! I understand that inviting her will make his life easier but what about OUR life? Am I selfish to be thinking WHAT ABOUT ME?! His latest concern is that if nasty aunt doesn't get an invite then other members of his family "will be funny about it" and might not come. I just honestly feel sick and want to cry anytime I think about it. I thought planning my wedding would be a happy and exciting thing
Can h2b not speak to his mum/dad, whichever one is the direct relation, with his concerns about her and her past behaviour? If it was me she just wouldn't have an invite. Why should you feel like garbage on your wedding day? I had so much grief from h2b family before the wedding and it was an absolute nightmare, dont have anyone there that treats you like garbage. He should be more concerned about your feelings than that of a nasty aunt
Wibbly wobbly, timey wimey
*Kelbel* is my wedding twinny!