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    • Ticamis2be
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Does anyone else sit screaming at the TV during the show that the man is getting it all wrong?? Especially when it comes to the dress!
    • StephH96
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Oh yes! But in the end I get more annoyed at the brides who 'couldn't have done it better myself' when it's all the opposite of what they said they wanted.
    • Ticamis2be
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Its exactly what just happened in the one I have just watched lol!
    • Mrs M Wade
      CommentAuthorMrs M Wade
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Lol I thought that too Ticamis. Is it the fishing one you've just watched?

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    Became Mrs Wade 06/08/2016

    • StephH96
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Haha, typical :p. One of the best ones was when the groom booked a wedding in the snow but couldn't afford to fly everyone so the bride and guests went on a coach and got stuck in major traffic in France and was almost late. She hated snow, couldn't ski but was so happy in the end.
    That show drives me mad but I do love watching it. The ones that really annoy me are the ones where the groom spends a huge amount of money on the stag do, organises it first before even thinking about anything else, and then runs out of money. The bride usually ends up at the bingo for her hen and with a nasty, cheap dress. I wouldn't be amused.

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    Met: 2nd September 2012
    Engaged: 3rd January 2015
    Wedding day: 2nd September 2017
    • Glitterfairy
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I like watching it, so does hubby, but it annoys me that the woman wants certain things, then when it is totally different to what she wants she loves it. I can understand the dress as sometimes you want one dress but do not think of other dresses until on. It's like they've never spoken to each other prior to doing the show.

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    Our wedding day - 6 October 2012

    • StephanieM158
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I love it!!
    I love the fact the guy plans it as well!! I only end up screaming at the TV when the woman doesnt apprieciate whats happening and doesnt just enjoy it!!
    When the girl sulks and ends up in tears its frustrating, I wish theyd just enjoy it!!

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    Met 2004
    Engaged 2014
    Getting Married 2016
    • KirstyR386
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    I'm sure they only put people on it that are going to have wacky ideas. If we went on it, we would have a massive discussion about what we both want and like so its not a total shambles. Not that I can see my OH doing anything mad like throwing me out of a plane just before the ceremony but then I suppose thats why they pick them because we would make really boring tv. X
    • Flossie
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I enjoy watching it even though I know it's all a fix. They don't have "normal" people and they basically tell the couple what to do anyway. It is a good watch though.

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    Happily married
    18th June 2016
    • JoanneH4
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Yes me and my fiancé loves watching it. It's fixed so the brides isn't allow to say anything bad about the wedding on the day so they are pretending to enjoy the wedding x
    • DisneyxDreams
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I am with Glitterfairy - surely that must have had some kind of conversation about a wedding even before they went on the show!!
    But i love love love love the show, my fiance on the on the other hand moans when its on because he finds it irritating because of the brides moaning about doing it better!

    Give the groom his due most do a cracking job they only get 3 weeks bless em!

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