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    • AnikaM60
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    There will be quite a few children at my wedding reception, any ideas on fun things for them to do throughout the evening. I was thinking of a bouncy castle, but I want back up ideas just in case the temp is low. It's a May wedding but it's also England lol
    • Mrs T Hurley!
      CommentAuthorMrs T Hurley!
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Treasure hunt, colouring in books, playing cards

    Members signature icon
    Met 18/09/03
    Engaged 06/09/08
    Getting married 05/09/17
    • DanielleG93
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    cake/biscuit decorating. dress up box,

    Members signature icon
    Mrs Barlow to-be
    2nd September 2017

    • StephanieM158
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Games room. Dependant on age of child set up and old tv set with a console, dressing up box, hula hoops, skipping ropes, giant snakea and ladders. Even cheap inflatables like guitars microphones etc.

    Members signature icon
    Met 2004
    Engaged 2014
    Getting Married 2016
    • CommentAuthorNicolaB7220
    We got married in May and got lots of games from @rg05 such as large snakes and ladders, mini golf, foam footballs, and various other things (they were on offer, 3for2) and luckily the weather was glorious so they all played outside but they could have also been played inside quite easily (except the footballs)
    • Emily17
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    We are putting together activity packs for the kids with toys / puzzle book etc. This will be their wedding favour

    Members signature icon
    Met in 2009
    He proposed Jan 2014
    Will become Mrs P 7th October 2017
    • NicoleW665
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I am having a lego themed wedding and i am putting together a little fun pack, colouring pages, crayons, princess tiaras and thing's like that but also lego mini figures which can be included even without the lego theme

    Members signature icon
    When we met: August 2009
    When we announced engagement: December 2015
    When we will get married: September 2017
    • AnikaM60
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Ladies these are lovely ideas. I've already got some colouring books and pencil crayons, I'm using these for the ceremony itself. I didn't want them to be bored and luckily our venue has a small room connected to the ceremony room so they can be there colouring away.
    I absolutely love the idea of a treasure hunt, the inflatables and garden style games. It's such a cute idea to give the children their own fun wedding favour. I'm staying away from the console. I think my big kid at home (oh) will be too tempted by this lol. I will definitely be using a few of these ideas.
    • DanielleG93
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Anika thats the reason why i steered away from consoles too everyone would be asking where the groom is all night

    Members signature icon
    Mrs Barlow to-be
    2nd September 2017

    • VikkiH53
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    We had a seaside theme so had hook a duck, Frisbee, a kite, boules, inflatable beach ball etc unfortunately it rained most the afternoon and evening but they were a hit when we could be outside! We also had a peep board and giant deckchair inside which was a huge hit with children and adults alike!

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