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    • Mrs Jones
      CommentAuthorMrs Jones
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Think I've found the one!!! M0r1 L££ 2607.
    Mum cried and going back Friday to try it on again, but felt so lovely on!

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    First Date 26 April 2014
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    Happily Married 18 June 2016
    • DanielleS0709
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    Welcome Nancy, hope your planning is going well

    Lindsey the dress is stunning!

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    21st May 2016 xxx

    • KirstyR386
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    Welcome Nancy! How are your plans coming along?

    Ooh Lindsey that dress is so pretty. I love the lacey back. X
    • ChrissyR85
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Lindsey that dress is beautiful.

    Welcome to all the new ladies.
    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

    I've just had a quote back from 2 venue decorators and cannot believe the amount they want for draping etc! Seriously having to rethink what we want as just cannot justify the cost.

    On another note Hen do plans are coming along nicely, planning on going to Dublin for a weekend in March.
    Just need to get H2B to pick a date for his stag now.

    Thanks for the J0n r1ch@rd offer, got my bridal hair piece for a bargain xx

    • EmmaH444
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Welcome Nancy :-)

    Gorgeous dress Lindsey.

    I love Dublin, you will have a ball Chrissy!

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    Met 29/3/2006
    Engaged 24/8/13
    Married 26th August 2016
    • Mrs M Wade
      CommentAuthorMrs M Wade
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Your dress is stunning

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    Became Mrs Wade 06/08/2016

    • Becci93
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    That's a very pretty dress Lindsey

    Went to order my bridesmaid dresses today in cadburys purple .. When we got there I just asked you haven't had any new styles in since we last came just in case ... Now found one we like even more that flatters my beautiful ladies much more and changed the colour scheme too after a very stressful conversation with oh who in the end came to the shop and hated the purple despite being set on it. God help us. But I think we've finally chosen so hurray! Only problem is my two bigger bridesmaid are wanting to start running more so they're going to lose a lot of weight I imagine so now not sure if now is the best time to order. Dilemmas!!

    Although we did go for a lovely lunch that was very tasty to discuss all things weddings!

    My shoes are a perfect match to my dress too <3 the lady in the shop thought I'd had them custom made to match they were that similar!!

    • Emmilou82
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Hello ladies

    Long time no speak...... I took a break from here and wedding in general as I've been under a lot of stress lately and just didn't feel like mingling. I think I'm finally getting myself back on track now though even though I still have stresses to deal with.

    Everyone sounds like their planning is coming on great..... I cannot believe how fast time is going!! Very scary

    Not too much has progressed since last being on here.....

    I've rebooked my dress with another seamstress as the original one misunderstood and only deals with dresses from a certain shop. Plus, I know a few people who have had alterations with this new woman and so my first fitting is the 7th May 2016. As soon as Christmas is over, I am on a serious health and fitness routine to get ready. It's frightening that that's only 8 months away...... Less than a pregnancy and I know how fast that time goes lol!!

    We are off to our venue today at 2pm to pay the deposit on the food...... We have the money and now know we don't want a choice menu, just a 3 course meal and an evening buffet....... No canapés etc as we just can't afford it.

    I have attended 2 weddings so far this year with 1 more on Saturday and it's so amazing to see everyone's ideas, themes and thoughts of weddings..... We had a beautiful hog roast last Saturday and want to ask about it for ours too...... It was delicious xx

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    Marrying 'The One' on 30th July 2016
    I am now Mrs Emma Stokoe xx

    • Mrs M Wade
      CommentAuthorMrs M Wade
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Great news Emma

    The shop I brought my dress from said to phone in march/April to book appointment for dress fittings etc. Do you think I should phone next week and see if I can get an appointment for next year or should I wait?

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    Became Mrs Wade 06/08/2016

    • Emmilou82
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Well, personally I feel more assured that I'm booked in now as she did say on the phone that our wedding is peak season and I know your a week after me..... I don't think it will hurt them to put you in the diary to secure the date. I don't want to chance not being able to get my dress altered before the day. Ring them Hun just to get you in there. The good ones always go fast and I'm sure yours won't be the first name in the 2016 diary xx

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    Marrying 'The One' on 30th July 2016
    I am now Mrs Emma Stokoe xx

    • Mrs M Wade
      CommentAuthorMrs M Wade
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Thank you. Ill phone up tomorrow. At least then I know how long I've got to get some weight off lol x

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    Became Mrs Wade 06/08/2016

    • Emmilou82
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Ha ha ha yeah me too..... After Xmas, I need to shift a good stone in weight so I'll have 5 months! Urgh, that's not long!!

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    Marrying 'The One' on 30th July 2016
    I am now Mrs Emma Stokoe xx

    • Mrs M Wade
      CommentAuthorMrs M Wade
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I just can't stop eating rubbish. We've booked our honeymoon now too so I want to loose 2 stone for the wedding and holiday x

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    Became Mrs Wade 06/08/2016

    • Emmilou82
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Yeah, I had a neb earlier and saw that, that's great news xxx where is it again??

    I love food that's my problem lol..... Any more than a stone and I'd look ill but I'm not massively overweight just need to tone up really

    Do you know what happened with BarryA92?? Did he work things out or did he and his fiancé break up?? I've tried looking but can't find him

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    Marrying 'The One' on 30th July 2016
    I am now Mrs Emma Stokoe xx

    • Mrs M Wade
      CommentAuthorMrs M Wade
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    We never found out after he told us she didn't want to be with him.

    We've booked 11 nights in Majorca with our LO. Can't wait :-)

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    Became Mrs Wade 06/08/2016

    • Emmilou82
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Ahhhh, I hope he's ok....

    Ooooooh, sounds lovely Michelle. I bet you can't wait. We are not booking our honeymoon until next year maybe even after the wedding. We know we want to go to Thailand but we are in great rush. Plus it's not gonna be til Nov/Dec anyway as the seasons are different x

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    Marrying 'The One' on 30th July 2016
    I am now Mrs Emma Stokoe xx

    • Mrs M Wade
      CommentAuthorMrs M Wade
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Lovely x

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    Became Mrs Wade 06/08/2016

    • Mrs Jones
      CommentAuthorMrs Jones
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Thanks ladies. I'm going back Friday just to try it on again as its completely different to what I thought I'd end up with. Felt lovely on, but sample too big and can't gauge if skirt too ott, but it's almost identical to the one I tried on at the National Wedding Show and loved.

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    First Date 26 April 2014
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    • Emmilou82
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    It's a beautiful dress Lindsey.....

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    Marrying 'The One' on 30th July 2016
    I am now Mrs Emma Stokoe xx

    • Emmilou82
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Well, we met with the chef today at our venue and we have decided on a set menu..... It £500 cheaper than a choice and it just makes life easier.....

    Starters: chicken,pork and mushroom pates -Veg option - Tomato & garlic soup
    Main: 3 cooked beef dinner with mash & seasonal veg - Veg option - Golden mushroom risotto
    Dessert: Assiet of 3 desserts (chocolate torte, strawberry cheesecake & citrus meringue tart)

    Canapés (got a great deal), evening buffet and a selection of 3 hot meat sandwiches, wedding morning buffet for me and the girls, post wedding breakfast for me & OH

    We gave him a maximum budget and he came in £1k cheaper. OH and I are thrilled

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    Marrying 'The One' on 30th July 2016
    I am now Mrs Emma Stokoe xx

    • Mrs M Wade
      CommentAuthorMrs M Wade
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Brilliant Emma x

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    Became Mrs Wade 06/08/2016

    • EmmaH444
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Great news on the food :)

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    Met 29/3/2006
    Engaged 24/8/13
    Married 26th August 2016
    • Mrs M Wade
      CommentAuthorMrs M Wade
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I'm not sure what to do next. We've still got to sort suits, rings, chair covers, food, I think everything else is pretty much done.

    Xmas time I will start to make invites, table numbers etc but at a stand still. Any suggestions or have I missed anything x

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    Became Mrs Wade 06/08/2016

    • Emmilou82
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I must admit, I feel at a bit of a stand still as the other things we need can't be done til the end of the year/after Xmas.....

    We still need:

    Wedding rings
    Bridesmaid dresses
    Gifts -bridesmaids, mothers etc
    Grooms box

    We are concentrating now on getting the venue and food paid off then everything will fall in to place
    We saw a couple of our suppliers at the venue today and it was lovely but scary as they were talking about dates for finals numbers!!!

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    Marrying 'The One' on 30th July 2016
    I am now Mrs Emma Stokoe xx

    • Mrs M Wade
      CommentAuthorMrs M Wade
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I've still got gifts to buy too but will sort them next year. Can't believe in 4 months time we can say we get married this year

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    Became Mrs Wade 06/08/2016

    • Emmilou82
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I was only thinking that last night Michelle...... I was thinking also about how to get all the kids there to get ready cos in an ideal world I'd like it to be just me and my MOH (my sister) but I've got a junior bridesmaid and 2 flower girls. I just don't want them getting bored and running around causing havoc lol. I'll have enough stress on the day never mind watching the kids

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    Marrying 'The One' on 30th July 2016
    I am now Mrs Emma Stokoe xx

    • Mrs M Wade
      CommentAuthorMrs M Wade
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I know what you mean Emma. I've got my son, flower girl and 2 ushers (OH nephews) that don't listen to a word you say. Sil is bridesmaid (her husband was meant to be sorting and looking after kids whilst sil had her bridesmaid duties to do, but they've split up so he won't be coming now).

    Will be more stress up to the wedding, not letting anyone spoil the day x

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    Became Mrs Wade 06/08/2016

    • Emmilou82
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Luckily, my junior bridesmaid (12) is great with the kids so I'm hoping she keeps them at bay but 1 of the flower girls has recently got very naughty and very cheeky so I will simply tell her, if she keeps being like this, she won't be part of it..... I know that sounds really harsh and cruel but it's OHs niece and she has to learn that good girls do the fun stuff..... I'll have a word with her soon xx

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    Marrying 'The One' on 30th July 2016
    I am now Mrs Emma Stokoe xx

    • Emmilou82
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Ive just seen some nice centre pieces on the website of who is decorating my wedding.....

    I just can't settle on what I want!!

    Simple yet gorgeous
    Simple yet gorgeous


    In lilac though
    In lilac though

    I'm supposed to be having 5 tables of the martini glasses and 5 tables of the vases but with lilac ribbon


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    Marrying 'The One' on 30th July 2016
    I am now Mrs Emma Stokoe xx

    • Flossie
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Got more things ticked off the list yesterday.

    Guest book. Got p1ss3d off with looking and looking and looking and never finding the perfect one, so we just decided to go with this one and have done with it!! A good deal cheaper than what we were previously looking at too.
    Guest Book.JPG
    Guest Book.JPG

    Personalised wine glasses for my bridesmaids. The stems will be glittered in their appropriate colours.
    Wine Glasses.jpg
    Wine Glasses.jpg

    Cufflinks for the best man, FIL and my dad

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    Happily married
    18th June 2016
    • Sarah D
      CommentAuthorSarah D
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Welcome Nancy

    That dress is lovely Lindsey

    Love all your recent purchases Flossie, where is the guest book from? xx

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    Became Mrs Duthie 7th October 2016

    • Flossie
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    The bay Sarah, the seller is thepaperbirdcompany - they have some lovely stuff xx

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    18th June 2016
    • Sarah D
      CommentAuthorSarah D
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Thanks Flossie

    Will have a look xx

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    Became Mrs Duthie 7th October 2016

    • KatieH
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Glad you've booked your honeymoon Mrs W :)

    Flossie, love your guest book and the cufflinks.

    I've just paid the deposit for my Hen. I've booked it through a Hen Party company so I hope it will be ok and everything goes to plan.

    Took one of my BMs to Bath to try on dresses and there was one we both really liked which is a similar style to my dress. I'm taking both BMs to the Bridal shop where my dress is next week to see if there are any dresses there they like and then we will decide. Both shops have the exact colour I want so all good :)

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    Became Mrs Holme 11.06.16
    • Becci93
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Just has the most horrendous and heartbreaking text from one of my bridesmaids; I have no idea why or what's happened .. We all went to the dress shop on Saturday to order the dresses for the bridesmaids but I thought I'd just check if there were any new dresses that were nicer and we found one that suited everyone better as it was more rouched and it looked so flattering on everyone then we went for lunch and discussed whether that was definitely the dress everyone preferred .. We also managed to change the whole colour scheme of the wedding due to the dress! Everyone seemed really really happy then I get hit with;

    Becci I'm not great with words and things but I don't want to upset you so I hope this doesn't come out wrong, i think you are an amazing girl and it's nothing you did but I just don't feel comfortable being part of your wedding. And I'm not great at the moment I pretty much cried all the way home and I just don't want to let you down with your wedding and I think that's what would end up happening so I would rather let you know now so that you can find someone else I'm really sorry but thank you for letting me be part of it up to now x

    I've asked her what's happened, why an earth she feels she'd let me down because she wouldn't at all and asked her to meet me today to discuss it because I'm absolutely heartbroken and don't understand it .. I want her there more than anything; I can't force her I know but I want to know what the hell has happened that I've missed that's made her feel like this!!

    • Mrs M Wade
      CommentAuthorMrs M Wade
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    My bridesmaid text me with nearly the same thing as what your friend has. I asked her what her reasons were and she just said we weren't close anymore. Hope you get things sorted x

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    Became Mrs Wade 06/08/2016

    • Mrs M Wade
      CommentAuthorMrs M Wade
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I've looked at those glasses Flossie. They're lovely x

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    Became Mrs Wade 06/08/2016

    • Becci93
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I feel sick.

    Felt like a depressing day when I woke up what with everything then to receive that text off the bridesmaid I most wanted to be there bar my sister has just topped me over the edge. I've tried to get her to meet me today because I won't rest until I know what's bothering her but she's just said she'll come through one day through the week.

    Why does everything feel like it's going downhill at the moment :( I'm hoping I can convince her back into it but I think her minds made up and my day literally won't be the same without her

    • Mrs M Wade
      CommentAuthorMrs M Wade
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Just had a phone call from the seamstress that's doing my alterations on my dress. She wants to see me in May next year for my first fitting. She was lovely bless her. Got to phone her after Xmas to get an exact date but it a seems so real now

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    Became Mrs Wade 06/08/2016

    • KatieH
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Sorry to hear that Becci. No-one knows how people are really feeling. She may be having personal problems. It's good of her to let you know now before you spend money on her dress etc. I had it with one of my BM, I had a gut feeling that her heart wasn't really in it and when I finally spoke to her about it she was afraid of hurting my feelings so didn't say anything. She is just coming as a guest now and I'm relieved now I know where I stand. Yes it was upsetting but she has a lot going on in her life at the mo too.

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    Became Mrs Holme 11.06.16
    • Flossie
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Shame about your bridesmaid Becci but I think she's done the kindest thing possible by stepping down when she knows she can't fulfil her duties and be the best bridesmaid she can for you. A very unselfish thing to do and like said above at least she let you know before you bought her dress etc. I hope she is ok x

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    18th June 2016
    • KatieH
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Flossie, talking of BMs, how's things going with yours? Is there still tension between them? xx

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    Became Mrs Holme 11.06.16
    • Becci93
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    That's just it though, she says she still wants to help out behind the scenes. She wants to help with the bridesmaid duties but doesn't want to do the day ... I get that people go through bad times but why say you still want to help out behind the scenes. There's something she's not telling me and I have an inclin I know what it is and if that's the reason all the more reason for her to be walking down that aisle ahead of me!

    • Flossie
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Yeah there is still tension, the other 2 are still being childish and being b1tchy behind her back. I've not said anything to them yet but I am going to if it continues because I am just getting sick of it - I feel like we're in primary school, not fully fledged adults! We were trying to organise afternoon tea at our wedding venue for our Christmas get together this year but we couldn't all agree on a date. I've asked the one who's been pushed out a bit if she'd like to go just me and her, it will be nice to spend some 1:1 time with her as not had the chance to do so really xx

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    Happily married
    18th June 2016
    • Emmilou82
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Glad to hear you have got in touch with your seamstress Michelle.... I got excited yesterday when i spoke to mine.

    Sorry to hear that your BMS are not cooperating as you'd like. This is when im glad mine are Flower girls as i kind of dont have that problem.

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    Marrying 'The One' on 30th July 2016
    I am now Mrs Emma Stokoe xx

    • KatieH
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Aww that's such a shame. Why do people have to behave like that. I tried organising afternoon tea at our venue too. I had a date booked and then 2 of them cancelled and that's when one of them stepped down. In the end I just took my Maid of Honour on a different day and we had tapas and prosecco instead xx

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    Became Mrs Holme 11.06.16
    • Flossie
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Beats me Katie. Bloody women!!!

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    Happily married
    18th June 2016
    • KatieH
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    LOL Exactly! Couldn't be like it myself lol xx

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    Became Mrs Holme 11.06.16
    • DanielleS0709
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    Thankfully my bridesmaid problems seem to be behind me!! Flossie those gifts are lovely

    I planned on contacting dress maker today also and contacting M0ns00n about bridesmaids dresses. Also meant to ring and try get app to see about flowers tomorrow and was so preoccupied with other things I totally forgot!!! Def to do tomorrow

    Members signature icon
    21st May 2016 xxx

    • Mrs M Wade
      CommentAuthorMrs M Wade
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    I know I've got until May when I need bridal lingerie but was wondering what everyone else is having? My dress is very low at the back so I wouldn't be able to wear a bra so will ask if I can have bra cups put on my dress instead

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    Became Mrs Wade 06/08/2016


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