Claire Redman
Claire Redman 17 Jul 2017

I have my wedding booked for August next year I have booked the church just...

I have my wedding booked for August next year I have booked the church just still waiting on confirmation for my venue. When would you all send out your invitations

Lucy Lewis
Lucy Lewis 17 Jul 2017

Hi I would send them out about 8 months before :)

Emma Gibson
Emma Gibson 17 Jul 2017

I personally would do them in August as a lot of people go away in August. We can start booking holidays at work for the following year from Septemberish and a lot of places do the same. X

Naomi Chappel
Naomi Chappel 17 Jul 2017

I would send at least save the dates out in August to prevent people booking holidays x

Kim Barton
Kim Barton 17 Jul 2017

I agree send save the dates (Vista print do amazing ones to fit most budgets) and dont send invites till venue confirmed, it saves confusion should you have to change anything xxx

Tiffany Boot
Tiffany Boot 17 Jul 2017

I'm getting married july 2018 and sending my invites out feb 2018. I would do save the dates 12 months before.

Sharon McGuire
Sharon McGuire 18 Jul 2017

I'd send out Save the Dates a year before, especially as it's peak holiday season, then I'd send the invitations around January ad this is typically when people start to think about what holiday they want to take that year (especially if they have to negotiate with colleagues at work).

Zoe Aldrich
Zoe Aldrich 18 Jul 2017

I agree with everyone who has already commented, I'm getting married in August next year too - we're sending out save the dates (I've designed ours and also had printed from Vista Print - only cost us £11.49 for 50) next month then sending invites early next year! x

Alys Brierley
Alys Brierley 19 Jul 2017

Check with your venue when they need final numbers by

UKbride Member 26 Jul 2017

3 months before

Jaki Green
Jaki Green 29 Jul 2017

I'm getting married next July and sending my invites out as soon as I've finished making them, so before September! x

Claire Redman
Claire Redman 30 Jul 2017

Thank you all for your comments. I will send out save the dates in next couple of weeks and then the invitations next year. Thank you x


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