UKbride Member Request 15 Jun 2017

We first decided to do it abroad as we think it would be cheaper in England...

We first decided to do it abroad as we think it would be cheaper in England but we can't fully agree and. Excuse we also want to save for our first bought home together as we already have a little boy and want to extend our family so the wedding has taken a back-seater (which will be for at least another year and we've already been engaged for over year)

Lucy Lewis
Lucy Lewis 15 Jun 2017

Hi what is your question?

Roberts Janet
Toni Bennett 16 Jun 2017

myself and my fiance have been engaged for over 3 years hun n my middle sis n her partner (with whom she has two sons) have been together since my middle sis left high school n they got engaged a few months later in the following year and they've got no plans (as far as i know) to get married yet.


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