Kissy Karen
Kissy Karen 19 May 2017

Been engaged for 3 years but no plans to marry yet and I'm hoping 1 day I...

Been engaged for 3 years but no plans to marry yet and I'm hoping 1 day I will marry what will happens if I win a prize here and have not set the date yet?

Natalie Kings
Natalie Kings 19 May 2017

Try messaging the uk bride team to find out the technicalities ☺️

UKbride Member 21 May 2017

Counting your chickens before they hatch .

Jacqueline Cunningham
Jacqueline Cunningham 22 May 2017

I've been engaged for 4years and not having the pennies for it was stopping us. Thankfully we got the money and now getting married in August this year. If I won I'd be jumping for joy a dream come true and no worries. At least we can dream and dreams can come true. 💖👰💖


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