Melissa Shore
Melissa Shore 16 Apr 2017

Unsure which dress is suited for small, petite women? Please...

Unsure which dress is suited for small, petite women? Please help!?????????????

Kate Phillips
Kate Phillips 16 Apr 2017

Honestly you need to try on all different styles, there's no this dress suits this shape really. I tried on all different styles, and the one I thought was going to be perfect wasnt right at all, then the one my sister picked out which I though looked awful on the hanger is the one! Have fun with it!

UKbride Member 17 Apr 2017

I would suggest a tea / midi length or something with a natural waist line

Lucy Lewis
Lucy Lewis 17 Apr 2017

Hi there is a guide on the internet type in on google foe wedding dress shape guide, I hope this helps:)

Collette Taylor
Collette Taylor 17 Apr 2017

When you go into a bridal boutique, go in with an open mind, especially regarding silhouette.

The amount of times I've heard people saying they want this and they want that and surprisingly went for something totally different :)

A good bridal consultant will help guide you to what works for you. It is best to try on different styles to help guage what you like and don't like x


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