UKbride Member Request 7 Jun 2022

I have been having alot of problems with my MIL ever since we got engaged....

I have been having alot of problems with my MIL ever since we got engaged. Unfortunately the wedding was postponed due to covid and we now get married in less than 3 weeks. My dream bespoke dress no longer fits due to recently having a baby so i've had to rush out and just buy a new dress on a budget which is still nice but not what i dreamed of. My mil has constantly tried to change every detail about our wedding to the extent of telling other guests things that aren't true. She has now gone and bought a dress near identical to my old one for her granddaughter to wear (matching flowers and tiara without her mother's say) and doesn't see it as an issue because we told guest to wear what is comfortable. I know that it's just a dress and it shouldn't matter but I feel like she is purposely trying to ruin things because we won't do the wedding her way and she knew how gutted i was that my dress wouldnt fit. What do I do?



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