Sian McFarling
Sian McFarling 7 Apr 2021

How do we cancel the monthly membership? Thank you

How do we cancel the monthly membership? Thank you

UKbride Member 9 Apr 2021

I'd like to know this too.......

Sian McFarling
Sian McFarling 12 Apr 2021

I emailed the company, there was a contact us bit the lady said she can cancel it for me but this was a few days ago and heard nothing else yet. Its only cheap so it doesn't break the bank but I dont use this enough atall. I use hitched more but tend to be sticking with fbook pages and my notes on my phone atm. She also gave me an email address I can ask them to cancel it I'll have a look and post it for you. :) good luck with your wedding and planning x


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