UKbride Member Request 24 Jan 2018

How do you organize a low key wedding without upsetting family?

How do you organize a low key wedding without upsetting family?

Lucy Lewis
Lucy Lewis 24 Jan 2018

Hi no matter how hard you try or whatever you do, some one will be upset :)

paige allen
paige allen 24 Jan 2018

A few of my family members keep telling me don't forget to invite 'such and such' which will cost a fortune so I've decided that the family members that have bothered with me and my family the last year will be invited other family members who you never speak to leave them, hope this helps x

Tessa Lok
Tessa Lok 26 Jan 2018

Have an informal meal at a restaurant for the guests that you don't want at the wedding. If it's someone like your mum that's upset about the small numbers, convince her to pay for the meal too! =P

Susie Booth
Susie Booth 1 Feb 2018

You remember its your wedding not theirs and do what makes you happy x


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