Kat Baker
Kat Baker 22 Jan 2018

My partner and I are having a low-key wedding, with the reception at our...

My partner and I are having a low-key wedding, with the reception at our house for approx. 40 guests. We don't want to spend a fortune on catering and have considered M&S food - but I'm concerned that then means a bridesmaid or family member having to put it all out on the morning. Any thoughts, experience or advice most welcome!

Lyn Rajah
Lyn Rajah 22 Jan 2018

Hi Kat,

How about going with the other guests for a quick drink after your ceremony and ask the bridesmaid, or family member to go on ahead to put the food out, so that you get time to mingle a little with your guests and by the time you are home everything is ready and you can all relax.


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