UKbride Member Request 27 Aug 2017

Myself and the girl I was best friends for years had a bit of falling out a...

Myself and the girl I was best friends for years had a bit of falling out a couple of years ago and have drifted apart I did use to want her to be my maid of honor... but now I don't want her coming to the wedding... the other day I asked my other best friend to be my maid of honor and her reaction was lovely ... so I will have her and my daughter being my bridesmaid... Has anyone else had this sort of dilemma?

Lucy Lewis
Lucy Lewis 28 Aug 2017

Hi it hasn't happened to me but lots of brides experience this :)

Katie Stewart
Katie Stewart 5 Sep 2017

Yes, my ex best friend and I had a massive falling out last year, and now I don't want him anywhere near my wedding. It's hard, planning your special day without someone you always thought would be there, but better than including someone who no longer means what they used to.

UKbride Member 8 Sep 2017

Yeah but with sisters so no sister are coming now cos not having the day ruined by one person. It's your day so enjoy it


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