Seven Simple Wedding Hacks to Make Your Day Go Without a Hitch - UKbride Blog

Seven Simple Wedding Hacks to Make Your Day Go Without a Hitch

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People meet their spouses from all walks of life. Whether you met him or her in a bar, at work or on dating site in uk, there is someone out there for everyone and everyone wants to make their wedding day unforgettable. Here are some life hacks and tips that you can do to ensure that you have the perfect day.
Make contacting you easy

Setting up a specific wedding email keeps everything wedding related in one place. It can be super easy to miss things if they go into your everyday email. Therefore, something event specific will do the job nicely for staying organised and on top of things.

Lists, Lists, Lists – Stay Organised

It sounds so super obvious but lists are your best friend. Lists of suppliers, lists of guests, maybe even lists of lists. These are so handy in knowing what is sorted and what still needs to be ticked off. Before even setting a date, make a list of your available days and cross check them with the places you want to get married.  You want to make sure your venue is definitely free. Also check that there won’t be an event occurring elsewhere in town on the same day.

Another idea of keeping organised is to make a numbered list and send out invites and response cards with numbers on. Then you can simply check them off the list and this will make creating your table plan so much easier.


Take Advantage of Shows

Wedding shows are so common and everyone there is vying for your business. To make sure your wedding day goes without a hitch, you’ll want the best quality vendors for everything. Heading to these shows gives you the opportunity to meet a few different people who offer each service. This means you get a variety of choice before making your final decision. They may even offer discounts or extras if you choose to go with them after meeting them at a show.

The National Wedding Show at London's Olympia.
The National Wedding Show at London’s Olympia.

If you want the best day of your life to actually be the best, you may want to rehearse the finer details. Rehearsing what the wedding party need to do and when will hopefully ensure no mishaps on the day. This means you can also find out if the venue is okay with everything you have planned. Some venues don’t allow specific types of confetti to be thrown whereas others do for example. It’s all about finding out what you can and can’t do and what you need to do.

Be Prepared

We don’t want to think that something may go wrong but it is so important to be prepared. Choosing a person that you can go to for everything on the day is great so you don’t have to stress about it. Let your bridesmaid, best man or family member deal with any problems if they should arise.

Also make sure you have a little kit at hand too – should you need to touch up your make up, your hair, need to change your heels for flats or stick a plaster on your foot, you’ll have everything at your disposal carried by one of your wedding party.

be prepared

Make Sure You Don’t Miss a Thing

It can be so easy to miss things at your wedding as you’re caught up in everything. Your photographer may be taking photos of you and your new spouse but you may be missing seeing what others are getting up to. Everyone takes photos at weddings but with so many guests, it can be a struggle to see them all. Getting guests to use a pre-arranged hashtag on social media makes it so much easier – you can find all of the nonprofessional photographs in one place and go through them at your leisure.

Take Some Time

Finally and the most important wedding hack of all, take some time away from the wedding with your new spouse. Whether it is five minutes outside the venue or sitting in the car before the reception, make sure you get some alone time together to appreciate the enormity of what you have just done together and what your life is going to be like from now on.

It is expected for you to make your way around the guests, mingling and thanking them for coming. However, this can lead to you barely seeing your new spouse except for the food and speeches part. By taking this small amount of time together, you’ll head back into the day with a fresh, clear and happy mind, ready to get chatting away to your friends and distant family once again.


Credit to for this fantastic article!