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    • NatalieD205
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Hey guys,
    After remembering some of the most embarrasing things I have done while dating my amazing OH I thought it might be fun to share stories about the funny and embarrasing things that could get mentioned on our wedding days.
    My top two were face planting in my Oh's crotch while trying to gracefully leap into bed only a few months into our relationship, and doing my best dog impression on our first date, tongue out and doggy sounds..... the full works....... (what was i thinking)


    EDIT As with all game threads this is now sunk, please bookmark to keep up to date with it
    thank you

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    • Rennie1989
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Probably the time I crawled into a fireplace. We were in a pub in Mile End and my H2B's brother said I wouldn't fit in this small fireplace (not used as a fireplace, so no worry of getting covered in soot) I took it as a challenge I did it! The embarrassing thing was that I actually did it, but it's awesome being able to fit in small places!
    • MrsH-2B
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    About a month after we got together I went round to his after college and he'd just got a new bed.. I ran upstairs, ran through the room and dived on the bed... Little did I know it was full memory foam, no springs at all so rather than boucing like I expected, I just went smack bang into it, bl00dy hurt lol.. Made H2B laugh like crazy though !!

    I have done and said so many embarassing things over the past 3 and half years tbh, I can't think of specifics haha.. xxx

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    I can't wait to become his Wife :-) 4th July 2015
    • LauraM9144
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    ohhh i so know oh's best man is going to bring mine up ! me and o/h had been together just over a year and had gone to his best mans house i knew him quite well anyway but this was like official so i was a little nervous he pours his glasses of wine in giant flipping glasses and in my nervousness i was drinking them quite quickly before i knew it had drunk 2 bottles of wine a thought i was invincable!! decided that desite being overweight and extremly tipsy i still thought i could do more pull ups on his ull up bar in the door way ............well you've been framed moment coming up....... his best mate manged 20 seemed an easy task and i was going good got to seven a flaming bar came down!! i landed in a flump like heap on the floor too hoots of laughter. after a few minutes of heavy breathing while i controlled the pain i got up and pretended everything was fine and joined in with the laughter! walked home and went to bed as normal in the morning after the alcohol had worn of i was in total agony ended up in hospital i had only gone and broke my leg!!! needless to say 5 years ona nd i still get teased when i go round to his house his best mates fave line is she definitely "fell" for you drone lol

    One BIG day will lead to lots of little happy days !!

    • MrsH-2B
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Aww poor you Laura !!! xxx

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    I can't wait to become his Wife :-) 4th July 2015
    • Officially Mrs M
      CommentAuthorOfficially Mrs M
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    please remember to bookmark this thread as it will be sunk!

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    8th September 2012 I married my best friend
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    Women are made to be loved, not understood. - Oscar Wilde
    • b2bnicola
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Oh the most embarrasing moment was when we had friends to stay at mine and my h2bs house.

    We were all just chilling in the morning in our pjs and as i walked into the living room my pants caught in the door frame and fell straight down..... was only wearing a teeeney thong too


    Happily Married! :) xxx

    • MrsH-2B
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Oooohhh Nicola ! Thats embarassing haha ! I think another one of mine was our first trip shopping into town and I'm terrified of pidgeons, which he didn't know yet, not until one flew near me and I crouched on the floor like an idiot that is !!!!!!! Haha !!! xxx

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    I can't wait to become his Wife :-) 4th July 2015
    • NatalieD205
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    OMG Laura....... that sounds painfull!!!!
    Nicola..... I love that story.... can just imagine how red you must have gone :)
    And pigeon phobia..... guess you aren't releasing doves at your wedding Mrs H?

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    • MrsH-2B
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Ha nooooo !! As much as H2B wants to !! Even if I wasn't scared of them, I'd be too worried about them pooping everywhere !!! haha xxx

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    I can't wait to become his Wife :-) 4th July 2015
    • NatalieD205
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    oh no...... noone wants bird poop on their dress and perfectly fixed hair!!!!!!! O.O

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    • brilly
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    love this thread :) most embarassing thing I have to say is I broke my h2b lol I cant help but laugh while typing to be honest but needless to say I was a little rough with him when we 1st got together (he said he could handle it) and he had to go to doctors to ask if I had broke his willywonka lmao I didnt thankfully but was scared to touch him after that pmsl x

    31st August 2013 I became Mrs Carrick
    Cant wait to do it all over again in 2018

    • NatalieD205
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    OMG Brilly, hope noone brings that up at the wedding..... think your OH might be more embarrased than you!! :)

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    • brilly
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    He found it hilarious Natalie so Im hoping he keeps his gob shut lol I felt awful about it but he laughed it off. I seriously hope he doesnt mention it now think I will have words with him when he gets home to double check lol x

    31st August 2013 I became Mrs Carrick
    Cant wait to do it all over again in 2018

    • Blue
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    My OH has IBS .. so when he has to go he can be in there a while, our second date we went to the local chinese then he walked me home and asked to use the toilet (i didnt know about the ibs at this point) so off he went, 10 mins later i needed to wee, 20 mins later i was in agony i needed to wee so badly - 30 mins later i couldnt hold it any longer so i ran out into my yard crouched down between the 2 wheelie bins, down came the trousers and i pee'd like a race horse with full sound effects. Then i noticed him stood at the back door looking horrified at me wondering what the chuff i was doing, then the neighbours head popped over the gate to see what the noise was about, then my dog ran past OH legs straight to me and knocked me over into a puddle of my own pee Not my finest moment! . H2B now sees the funny side and checks if i need the toilet before he goes in. The neighbour never made eye contact with me after that. Glad we moved. lol.

    Lauren & Andrew
    26 . 07 . 2014

    • Officially Mrs M
      CommentAuthorOfficially Mrs M
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! sorry Rainbow that is totally amazing!

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    8th September 2012 I married my best friend
    1st September 2014 our little family grew by one

    Women are made to be loved, not understood. - Oscar Wilde
    • MrsH-2B
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Awww Rainbow ! That is fantastic !!! xxx

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    I can't wait to become his Wife :-) 4th July 2015
    • MrsThomson2B
      Is poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadge
    Oh Rainbow....nothing will embaress me ever again after reading that xx
    • his duck
      CommentAuthorhis duck
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Haha I thought mine was bad but rainbow that's ace!!!

    Mine was with an ex....

    I hate the things but went to an Ann summers party to support a mate. Id arranged to meet my then bout after for a drink.
    not been seeing him long. Anyway ins the pub I walk every one winking at me. Oh yeah I thought in demand make him bit jellous and lucky to be with me!!
    Sat down, he went red.....

    Id still got my Ann summers name sticker on 'cum face kat' a cross my chest :'(

    The shame

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    Is a very lucky girl :)

    • December
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Haha, Rainbow! But, were you not really concerned about why he was in the bathroom for 30 minutes if you didn't know?? I'd have been really freaked out!
    • NatalieD205
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Rainbow that's one not to tell the kids :) they might think that's how you know you found the one!
    And Kat that's amazing. ... what a nickname :p

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    Cant wait to marry my best boy :)
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    • Whovianbride
      Ticker backgroundIs poweruserJust marriedBadgeBadgeTicker foreground
    Im not sure if this counts but the first time i met my o /h was on my birthday to which i had invited his mate an he tagged allong they both got drunk and went home earlyish! And i told his friend i liked his and to find out if he liked me! Well turns out when he asked him the next day , he did nit even remember who i was! ><

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    August 2011 Got our own place, 2011 Had our Baby Girl,
    Dec 2011 Got engaged, July 2015 Getting married! Yay!
    • NatalieD205
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Haha oh no.... that's a funny wedding speech story though :)

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    • MrsRusty2B
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    I flashed my knickers at work once - I must have tucked the back of my dress into them after using the toilet and nobody told me until I got back to my desk. That means the entire office including my boss had seen my pants! Mortified doesn't even begin to cover it.
    • NatalieD205
      Just marriedBadgeBadge
    Haha I had a moment a bit like that a couple of weeks ago Suzanne...... I fell over in work and ripped my trousers....... didnt know I had ripped them untill the end of the day when I sat down at my computer and happened to glance down at my lap only to see a hole in the crotch of my trousers and a flash of pink hello kitty panties :p
    (I still dont know if anyone had noticed or not..... nobody told me)

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    Cant wait to marry my best boy :)
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